Wonders of the fair The carnival is in my soul, I love it so very much. The smells, the sights and the sounds. It fills my senses with nostalgia and excitement. I’m sure this is true for many of us. As I wrote last time about Showmen this is another sad tale of a Fair […]
Debra Torrance
Plastic Pleurisy Part Poo 💩
The war on plastic is real, it’s escalating. Humans are devising new ways to tackle the ever growing problem that is plastic. We are recycling more, we have discovered plastic eating insects, We’ve deployed barriers across rivers to catch plastic, we have sophisticated tractor dragged rakes to pick up the plastic on our beaches. However, we […]
The G Word
As a gay woman I’ve been lucky enough to have a broad range of inspirational females to befriend. Recently there has been furious debate about the changes to the Gender Recognition Act. I have friends on both sides of the debate. As I consider myself to be a generally liberal feminist (in the literal […]
No place like home – but where is home when you are on wheels?
No place like home – but where is home when you are on wheels? The shows, the carnival, the fairground integral parts to a gala, the Highland games, a village fete and important part of Scottish communities; essential components to local economies. What are the shows? The flashing lights and ringing bells, the stall holders […]
Plastic Pleurisy
So I stumbled across a twitter thread today, quite innocuous but linked to a vital and important issue. Plastic straws. Now I know we have all seen that awful video of the poor turtle with the straw up his nose, but in case you haven’t… https://youtu.be/4wH878t78bw Here at ungagged we try really hard to support […]
Strong, Stable, and Unavailable
The Secretary of State for Scotland, David (Fluffy) Mundell, the sort of guy who eats crumbs out his beard and happily shares a front bench with homophobes whilst hailing his own gay credentials, has somehow been magically elevated to a higher status than the democratically elected First Minister of Scotland. Let’s break down the […]
Peace Pipes vs Pepper Spray
So for a while now I’ve been watching events in Dakota unfold. Protests against a massive pipeline for crude oil to travel across the United States, Canada and First Peoples Nations. My brother had a girlfriend from Vancouver, she was from the Kwakwaka’wakw tribe and shared lots of great and wise stories with our family. […]
Debra Torrance Art
The extremely talented Debra Torrance is the artist behind loads of the Ungagged site artwork: Including the majority of the artwork for Ungagged’s Activist Advent: Debra is pretty good at portraits of political figures too:
The Tory Party Conference – It’s Aw Gone Wrang!
This is an unscheduled, bonus podcast, because here at Ungagged we couldn’t just let the vile rhetoric pumping out of the Tory party conference go unanswered or unchallenged. Featuring Matt Geraghty, Debra Torrance, Victoria Pearson, Eric Joyce, Steve McAuliffe, Amber Daniels and pulled together, as always by the inimitable Neil Scott. With music by Thee Faction with […]
The Band is Back Thegither
The Band is Back Thegither! Music from The Hurriers, The Tuts, Stuart Macfarlane, Abel Ganz, blossoms and Louise Distras. Podcast features the views of Dr Bruce Scott, Matt Geraghty, Amber Daniels, Neil Scott, Allan Grogan, Debra Torrance and Red Raiph.