Jagdeesh Singh is 46 years old, born in the UK in 1970 to Panjaabi-Sikh migrant parents. Like his father before him, and grandfather and more, Jagdeesh has been a passionate campaigner on multi-global issues like the rights of small nations to free statehood to the global environmental crisis brought about by insensitive human rampage to […]
Tag: Jagdeesh Singh
The Zarjaz Spirit of Independence and Rebellion…
Eric Joyce on Labour and Independence; Ruth Hopkins on the North Dakotan Pipeline; Debra Torrance on the iniquity our society metes out on the disabled; Wee Red Raiph (wit cin go rang?), Jagdeesh Singh on the national struggle for freedom in the Punjab; Victoria Pearson‘sshort story, “Finding God” read by Neil Anderson; Matt Geraghty on […]