Brian Finlay Holyrude Left Politics Neil Anderson Political Philosophy Scotland Scottish Independence Ungagged Podcasts Val Waldron

Holyrude Ungagged – Season 6 – Ep4

Neil Anderson @BikerNeil hosts with Val Waldron @scribblingval and Brian Finlay @WeeSociologist. This week’s topic starters; 1) Indy Ref 9th Anniversary & SNP conf motion, 2) Highest Scottish population ‘ever’! And Scots views on immigration, 3) Fergus Ewing MSP & SNP/SGP BHA – acronym heaven 🙂 4) Helix Park – Falkirk 10th Anniversary – Kelpies […]

David McClemont Elections Labour Left Politics Ungagged Writing


Printed by Merchant City Print, Glasgow Promoted by D. McClemont, 58, G72 9SP Rutherglen and Hamilton West voter David McClemont seriously considered voting for the Labour Party until Starmer and Sarwar hijacked the party’s climb back from the depths that Blair and Brown’s New Labour had dragged it… As a lifelong supporter of Scottish independence, […]