Available FREE on iTunes and Podbean On our Burns themed podcast: Max Newland on the anti-Trump protests in Idaho, his fears and the difficulties in reaching those who are supporting Trump and working together to create a better politics. Victoria Pearson on the political gobbledegook doublespeak now legitimised by May’s Brexit and Trump. Chuck Hamilton […]
Month: January 2017
Kes’s Conscience
*Please read in your most sarcastic voice, otherwise this really doesn’t work* It’s all my fault. I’m Kes. (Hi.) I was at university in Brighton, 19 years old, thinking “I’ve written lots of songs – I should play them”, so I got in touch with Bran – who, inexplicably, offered to play bass instead of drums despite being a drummer […]
GUTTFULL’s message to Trump, King of the Arseholes We’re GUTTFULL and we formed at the end of 2016: a bunch of big-mouthed feminist musicians with just so much rage to let out. Our first single is ‘Arsehole’, and it’s dedicated to Donald Trump, King of the Arseholes. With a bigoted, sexist, racist, right-wing meglomanic […]
Corbyn is Right About So Many Things…. But He’s Wrong on Scotland
Jeremy Corbyn got a lot right on his trip to Scotland this week. He was right to attack Theresa May and her Government of attempting to create a bargain basement Britain by cutting corporation tax to the levels of Ireland. At a cost of billions to the Exchequer in the hopes of luring businesses from […]
The Tories Go Full Fash
Since Theresa May’s undemocratic coronation, she has tried to style herself as a centrist – with worker’s rights and equality at heart. During the party conference, however, it has become clear she either doesn’t care that that mask is slipping or – more likely – she thinks the entire British electorate is as thick as […]
Club Trumpicana
Good luck, American working class friends. Good luck world. Perhaps by the end of this Presidential term we will all have gold doors. That white bit around the eyes will become fashionable as sun beds become safer through millions of pounds worth of investment. In fact, USA, the jobs Trump was doodling about in […]
On Liberty and Dissent
No one talks of liberty anymore. No one seems to even think that the notion of liberty is important or even relevant to their daily lives, just mention the word and observe their eyes glass over. It has become an abstract too tiresome to decode, let alone interact with, and the libertarian writings of John […]
Rejecting Soma
https://youtu.be/i-d26ZeTuEs And so we find ourselves now, living through these dying days of drip-fed Soma And incremental soft dogma A shiny self-promotional world in which oppression Finds its manifestation Behind manifold masks and expert skin-grafts And the grim oppressor dons the cloak of freedom Whilst secretly shoring up the already- mighty fortified walls […]
Tommy Ball Writing
News, Articles and Opinion Brexit Turns Up Heat in Belfast The DUP #TheLads AUOB? Kick Out The Fascists