Corruption Democracy Human Rights Labour Middle East Palestine SNP Tory Party Ungagged Writing Williw Millers Moustache

Hoyle’s Hubris and the Hackery of the Britpol Old Firm…

Did you hear about the 3 wells? Well, well, well. I do apologise, that is objectively the worst joke in my otherwise exceptional collection, if not indeed the English speaking world. Thank you Granny Moustache, it was one of her two favourites. But it is apposite for objectively the worst and most pish boiling week […]

Australia Equality & Inclusion Neil Scott Racial Justice Racism Ungag the Choons! Ungagged Music

Ungag the Choons – Ep 2 “First People.”

Neil Scott talks about a Australian song from 1987 that helped radicalise him in Troubles torn Northern Ireland. If you want to know more about this song and the oils – please watch Peter Garrett: Midnight Oil frontman on Music & Politics – on youtube    And if its available where you are, look […]