Ah whose got the short straw today lads? Which one of the scum parade have we got today? The one who ran a pyramid scheme? The one who made laws that would kick out her own dad? Another day, another lie. It’s like another 747 falling out the sky. The scum parade get up and […]
Month: May 2020
A Plague on All Your Houses
Dominic Cumming’s epic confessional puts a new spin on the term “A plague on all your houses.” Well, quite a few of them anyway. Not to mention a few fuel station pumps, public toilets and benches. Correct. He did not mention them. Oh my eyes! The sight of blustering, near sobbing, begging “Svengali” Cummings was […]
The only time is…
This is the third part in Deborah Sanderson’s story. Part 1 The Seed of Light and Dan McPhail. Part 2 In the spring of another Now. It had all come full circle, what a curious day! Then onto the quayside capstan, the sun blazed away. The heavens were saturated with eternity blue skies, like the […]
Coronavirus has killed the last chance for a Sanders Presidency
On April 9th, following months of wrangling and political machinations, the campaign for the Democratic nomination for U.S President ended when Senator Bernie Sanders made the surprising decision to drop out of the race. The decision came after the Supreme Court refused to suspend physical voting in the Wisconsin primary elections due to the Covid-19 […]
Every Street Needs a Trevor
Let me start by quoting E.M. Forster. Ooh, tomorrow – some fool will start the Machine again, tomorrow.” “Never,” said Kuno, “never. Humanity has learned its lesson.” A Doctor friend of mine has been on his social media, pouring scorn on taxi drivers delivering alcohol to alcoholics. I meet Doctor Anon on my daily shuffle […]
The Scottish Black Sheep
Apart from moaning and complaining about politics, I spend a lot of my time at my day job preparing Chinese youngsters for future exams (and life in general). I’m a primary school teacher at a foreign language school in Xiamen, on the South East coast of China. As you would imagine, there are some interesting […]
Where have all the children gone?
“We have a responsibility as a nation to build a better tomorrow for our children.” Where have all the children gone? Where are the separate briefings that concentrate solely on the impact of Coronavirus and the lockdown on the nation’s children? They do get a passing mention occasionally thanking them for their patience and acknowledging […]
Greenock’s Darkest Hour
The 6th and 7th of May, 1941 are two days which shall live in infamy for the people of Greenock. For two harrowing evenings Hitler’s Luftwaffe rained death and destruction down upon the unsuspecting people of the small Scottish town as they fled to makeshift shelters, tunnels, or anywhere which might have provided some respite […]
The Tories, Jingoism and The NHS
“Over the next three years, we must look at that NHS and what is left of our welfare state , and ensure it comes out of this nightmare stronger.” I loathe the propaganda around WW2. It really should be a subject of study. When did it start? I remember the 50th Anniversary. It was at […]
Victory for Hypocrisy
Remembered as youthful and active. Dismissed by a brutally dishonest and cynical Tory regime as collateral damage. This is a short piece to recognise the sacrifice of a generation. It cannot be done without reference to the hypocrisy of a government, with the consent of media and state broadcasting, in its failure to recognise that […]