When JFK once said that the US must keep moving forward just to stay still, one can only imagine how he would be viewing the quagmire that we find ourselves in. The Tory led Brexit swamp we are all permanently bogged down in. Yet despite the chaos and carnage that a no deal Brexit will […]
Month: January 2019
Dam disaster in Brazil
Reporter: Nathália Urban After Friday’s (25th Jan) environmental tragedy in Brazil were a dam used by the mining company Vale S.A collapsed and flooded toxic mud in a huge area, including the indigenous community of the Naô Xohã. Due to the tragedy, one of their members the indigenous activist Maybí Nytnawã wrote a poem showing […]
Trans visibility in Brazil
Our main picture (above): “Her name was Quelly da Silva.” Renata Peron and the struggle of trans visibility in Brazil. Renata Peron It’s no surprise that the LGBTI+ community has a hard time in Brazil, but after the election of Jair Bolsonaro an openly homophobic and transphobic individual things took a turn for the worse. […]
Royal Drivers…
Before one retired to the city, one lived in a quiet place. I long for that quiet but I am, I suppose, addicted to the life of the beautiful parasites, suckling on the tit of the establishment, here in the Royal Capital. The city brings with it a surfeit of abhorrent, vulgar bearded and cocktail […]
Where are we with Brexit?
It is difficult to work out what the next steps will be in Parliament and what the Tories and the Labour party will propose in the inexorable countdown to Brexit. What we do know is what has happened up to this point. The Withdrawal Agreement negotiated between the UK and the EU has been voted […]
Brexit Debacle: Independence Referendum Soon
I’ll start with a confession. I am a big fan of British state occasions – openings of parliament, royal weddings, state funerals and sundry solemn occasions. I love them. The British Establishment does them incredibly well, from the hushed tones of the reverential commentators to the throngs lining London’s beautiful streets, to the Red Arrow […]
Stop. Seriously, just stop. Now!
Why Brexit cannot and must not take place on the 29th of March, 2019 Breaking News – Theresa May’s ‘deal’ has just been defeated in the House of Commons by 432 votes to 202!!! However you voted in the referendum, whatever you think about the merits or failings of the EU, everyone please just stop and think. […]