‘The head will be too afraid to back us because of Section 28’. ‘But that was repealed over a decade ago.’ ‘Aye, but…’ This was the first time Section 28/2A had been raised at my work and it was in conversation sparked by a parental complaint about one of my colleagues using the work of […]
Ungagged Writing
Here at Ungagged, we have an amazing array of talented writers. We have poets and story writers, as well as analytical and informed article writers, and passionate opinion writers.
Ungagged don’t believe in censoring left voices, so all of our writing is unedited, unfiltered, Ungagged.
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Forward to Independence (and November 23rd!)…
DOON wi CORRUPT RULING CLASS DICTATORSHIP !!! By Dave Coull When some of us first heard aboot the idea of a non-party-political referendum on Scottish independence, we liked the sound of this; thinking, because of not being party-political, it could get a FAR higher turnout than any petty election of politicians ever could get. Working […]
Built to last? Dave Coull doesn’t think so…
“It’s nice, isn’t it? The quiet.” These words, written by a Starmer fan in mid-July, sound delusional now. But as Owen Jones says, they were what Starmer himself and his colleagues expected. “The Starmerite theory of power went like this: Britain’s problems were largely explained by a lack of leadership qualities at the top. Sir […]
Clackmannanshire is A Shitehole
September 2014 we were full of hope. Last trip to a pre-referendum rally in George square, and Folk, full of enthusiasm and certainty that Yes would take the vote, hugging and shaking hands, politely ushering strangers to the stage for a good view. Then a ripple down my spine, a reminder that this is a […]
Indyref 10: Choose a side.
By Neil Scott The SNP needs to be better. The SNP has to be more “SSP.” Hear me out. I have sleepless nights over the genocide in Gaza. I see no real solution coming about until Israel changes as a result of our collective actions, our collective push in the way YEARS of boycotting and […]
The Dave Coull Column: Elon Musk- Con-man.
Elon Musk is possibly THE richest billionaire on Earth, certainly one of the richest. This isn’t an “achievement” to be proud of, he’s just some parasite who happened to be born filthy rich, who never “invented” anything, but who managed to con other folk out of THEIR big ideas. Musk was born to an extremely […]
The Fundamentalist Path to Electoral Oblivion
I find myself at somewhat of a loose end at the moment in light of the 2024 General Election results. We lost every single one of our central belt seats – the region that in recent years our support was strongest, and there needs to be some accounting done in light of this. I’m of […]
Election Analysis: Cllr Graham Campbell, SNP Socialists
This is my initial analysis: “I’ve now had a bit of sleep and seen enough of the detail of results to form some observations from an SNP Left perspective: 1) given the disastrous starting background to the election for us the core SNP vote actually stood up pretty well at 30% – this wasn’t an […]
The Candidate
by Prick Knobinson Scandals nowadays are boring. I mean, in the good old days, Labour Party scandals were all about receiving brown envelopes. Tories were also using brown envelopes, but pushing them in the other direction in order to cover up some perversion with a Soviet spy or some Lord Fondleboy in a punt. I’ve […]
Tears, Fears and Electioneers…
by Damien Donnelly While I’m well used to elections being preceded by a period of desperate on-the-hoof policy, from all sides, this coming UK general election seems especially to have thrown into stark relief how low we have sunk as a country. Where that’s most evident is, as always, in how minorities are being treated. […]