“if we can reverse it, we’ll reverse it immediately but someone who can raise money needs to cough up some cash. UK or Scottish govt, I frankly don’t care but it needs to be one of them”. Dan Hutchinson talking about the cuts to the Education budget in Glasgow. Neil talked to Glasgow City […]
Ungagged Team
Election Balls…
by Willie Millars Moustache… It is quite a feat for the tories to take everyone by surprise, including themselves but they managed it. I assumed the thieving bastards would hang on to January to squeeze the very last penny out of the public purse and plant as many landmines and bear traps as possible. But […]
Holyrude Ungagged – Season 6 – Ep 1
David McClemont @DavoMc82 hosts with Kat Cary @kat_cary and Brian Finlay @WeeSociologist. This week’s topics; Scottish Govt Credit Cards Rutherglen & Hamilton West by-election Robin Harper Vs Scottish Greens Click for link to the song Kat mentions. She says “The actual line that I (tried to) sing starts at 2:35”. Music – The Charlemagnes – […]
Holyrude Season 4 Ep 10
All the latest on Scottish Politics January 2023. – Zahawi tax cheat – UK Gov overrule GRR – Sunak no seatbelt
My Old School… Brandon and Me
By Neil Scott During my first year living as a mature student in Scotland in a breeze block built room in the University of Stirling in early 1994, we crowded around the only TV in our corridor. It was owned by a working class Scot, Gary. On the flickering, fuzzy screen (the aerial being one […]
Five Radical Books Coming in Early 2023 by Luke Ray Di Marco Campbell
As we close out a year in which many incredible texts were published, this brief article notes a few examples of what’s to come in the New Year. Taken from a range of publishers, each listing is considered in terms of what new insights, understandings and inspirations these new contributions might bring to the left […]
Our GRA is none of Westminster’s Business
Doesn’t matter what your opinion on the legislation is, but the British government are once again openly subverting Scottish democracy. It’s entirely linked to them stripping us of our self-determination, as they are doing with judicial backing. This is tyranny, make no mistake. It isn’t, thank god, the type that involves violent repression, but now […]
Holyrude Ungagged – December 9th 2022
David discusses Scottish aspects of Westminster politics with Ungagged’s Kat Cary (Talking Sense) & Neil Anderson (Ungagged Interviews). Many other aspects of politics included as usual.
Ungagged Interview with Gerry Hassan
Neil discusses with Scottish Independence expert Gerry Hassan about what is contained in his recent publication Scotland Rising. Available on this link for Pluto Books Gerry has great insight to Scottish politics and has very reasoned arguemets as to why Scotland needs it’s independence back.
How to win the next Scottish Independence Campaign
How to win the next Scottish Independence Campaign – by the late Derek Stewart MacPherson… (@TheBabelFishDSM @TheBabelFish)