Brian Pollitt worked in Cuba from 1963-68 as Technical Director of the Commission of Social Studies, carrying out rural surveys and appraising the socio-economic conditions of the Cuban peasantry. Subsequently, he carried out frequent periods of fieldwork, focussing on the economic and social history of modern Cuba with special reference to the sugar economy. From 1995-2015, he was the principal organiser of the charity ‘Scottish Medical Aid for Cuba’, He is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Glasgow University.
Browsing social media recently I came across one blogger who claimed that Covid-19 will be America’s Chernobyl. That seems a bit like hyperbole. Chernobyl, as history records, became a central part of Gorbachev’s Glasnost campaign which eventually led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union (helped of course by the industrial level of corruption among […]
Doesn’t matter what your opinion on the legislation is, but the British government are once again openly subverting Scottish democracy. It’s entirely linked to them stripping us of our self-determination, as they are doing with judicial backing. This is tyranny, make no mistake. It isn’t, thank god, the type that involves violent repression, but now […]
Fuad Alakbarov is an Azerbaijani-Scottish political activist and human rights defender. He is known mainly for human rights advocacy for refugees, anti-racism and anti-poverty campaigns. Alakbarov is a columnist for the Mind Waves, a NHS-funded project which raises public awareness about mental health issues. He also covers refugee crisis, geopolitics and conflict worldwide for openDemocracy […]