GUTTFULL’s message to Trump, King of the Arseholes
We’re GUTTFULL and we formed at the end of 2016: a bunch of big-mouthed feminist musicians with just so much rage to let out.
Our first single is ‘Arsehole’, and it’s dedicated to Donald Trump, King of the Arseholes.
With a bigoted, sexist, racist, right-wing meglomanic given the top job in the world, there’s a lot of people feeling powerless; especially if you’re not a man, not white, not straight, and/or not rich. But there’s far more of us than there is of him and his cronies, and our voices are powerful.
Every little action of dissent helps in fighting back. We just feel like we’ve all just got to do what we can. Whether that’s making a song and a video showing your town’s reaction to Trump, marching with your sisters, writing blogs, whatever you’re able to do. Trump wants to divide and rule – so just pulling together with your wider communities spreads a message of equality and love for all.
There are loads of awesome DIY/feminist/queer bands around at the moment, and more forming all the time. That’s the only upside to times of oppression – artists turn that anger into energy and the music gets a lot more passionate. Our track ‘Arsehole’ is going on the LOUD WOMEN compilation album, out in March, alongside some incredible DIY bands, like Petrol Girls, The Ethical Debating Society, Fight Rosa Fight!, Lilith Ai, Bratakus and deux furieuses.
We’re quite a new band so we’re just building up our set at the moment, working up to recording an album hopefully in the summer. Our songs are mostly about beating the patriarchy at its own game: calling out catcallers, shaming internet trolls, and reminding disrespectful men of their manners. Our singer Momoe, and our guitarist and songwriter Cassie are both mothers of two children each – we’re quite used to telling off misbehaving little boys.
We have 3 songs up on our Bandcamp now – Arsehole, Keyboard Warrior and Mafu. Check them out here –
And come and see us live!
31 Jan at the Alleycat, London
18 March at the Sound Lounge, Tooting
31 March at the Fighting Cocks, Kingston
30 April at the Rose Hill, Brighton