Neil Scott Ungagged Podcasts

You, Me, and the Digital Revolution

Available FREE on iTunes and Podbean

On this episode, themed around Digital Activism, Liz Castro, the Catalan based writer tells us what is going on there, and we have contributions from around the world and from across the social media activist world from George Collins, who asks if Facebook is making us Radical, Nelly Neal, talking about videogames and her kids,  Debra Torrance on digital activism and clicktivism, Chuck Hamilton gives us his take on Jesus and the Easter story, Em Dehaney,  shares her Trump inspired  poem Dominoes, and Wee Raiph talking chocolate eggs,  as well as a beautifully moving performance from Raiph of Neil Scott’s story Resilience, which you can read here.

With music from Steve McAuliffe & The Mighty Ur, Stephen Smith, Derek Stewart Macpherson, Faber Whithouse, Marshall Chipped, Steve White, The Baby Seals and Andrea Heins.




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