By Neil Scott The SNP needs to be better. The SNP has to be more “SSP.” Hear me out. I have sleepless nights over the genocide in Gaza. I see no real solution coming about until Israel changes as a result of our collective actions, our collective push in the way YEARS of boycotting and […]
Neil Scott
Good Riddance
Neil Scott on Theresa May’s last speech in the Commons. I’ve just watched as Theresa May made her last speech in Westminster (and Harriet Harman… and what a contrast… i’d urge you to find them on YouTube). May’s narrative in her speech was one of hard work and of ambition- with barbed comments against those […]
Ungag the Choons! – Season 1 – Ep 1 – “It’s sugar coated, it’s accepted…”
Neil Scott (@nwScotty) talks about a song that helped radicalised him as a teen in Troubles torn Northern Ireland.
Ungagged Presents Worldbeat with George Collins. George interviews Ungagged founder, Neil Scott – Part 2
Ungagged presents the second part of Worldbeat with George Collins’ interview with Ungagged founder Neil Scott. Neil speaks of the Independence Referendum of 2011-2014, what happened subsequently to what is now known as the “Yes Movement,” and what comes next… Part 1 HERE
George Collins interviews Ungagged founder, Neil Scott on our US podcast, Worldbeat! Pt1
George Collin‘s chats to Ungagged Founder, Neil Scott about his Northern Irish past, and political foundations and finds were his political convictions and basis for his activism in Scotland, originated. Part 2 HERE
Ungagged Scottish Indy Special!
With contributions from our own Val Waldron (Twitter: @scribblingval) and David McClemont (@DavoMc82), plus the Scottish Green Councillor, Marth Wardrop (Twitter: @MarthaWardrop), David Peutherer of Scottish CND (Twitter: @scottishCND), SNP Councillor Graham Campbell (Twitter: @ceeGraham1) and a view from the USA from our George Collins – All held together (and edited by) Neil Anderson (@BikerNeil). […]
Ordinary Heroes
Available FREE on iTunes and Podbean Or Stream via our player, here: In this episode Neil Scott talks about his fears during the Northern Irish Troubles, Nathália Urban reviews an extraordinary book by The SNP founder on Brazil, Debra Torrance dares not mention Coronavirus and Richie Venton talks about the recent decision (overturned) by Glasgow City Council […]
Truth, truth stares in our face…
Available FREE on iTunes and Podbean In this episode, self confessed bald white guy, Neil Scott, lectures us on racism, Brexit and the media of the billionaires; Nathália Urban on the rise of femicide cases in Brazil Music; the Scottish Socialist Party’s Richie Venton on 1919 – revolt on the Clyde and Lagan, The Wakes lead singer, Paul […]
From Vanuatu’s Independence day, through butterfly conservation, Australian Prime Ministers, and a brief history of Capitalism, through to the apocalypse (with a few stops in between), the Ungagged collective are talking Krassivy…
The Luxury Gap
The Ungagged collective talk about the luxury gap – inc. interviews with Mhairi Black MP and Wee Skribbles