Ungagged Team

Sue Sparks

Sue has been around left politics since she was a student at the LSE in the 1970s, during which time she was also involved in the antifascist movement against the National Front. After more than a decade as a trade union activist in Fleet Street, a period which included the miners’ strike and the Wapping […]

Ungagged Team

Rachael Horwitz

  Hi I’m Rachael (cis, she/her). I’ve just spent a year in Russia as part of my MA in International Relations as a mature student, but I’ve done loads of stuff before that including being an admin assistant, warehouse worker and a lot more. I’ve been involved in antifascist work, but currently I’m a cynical […]

Ungagged Team

Damanvir Kaur

My name is Damanvir Kaur and I reside in the U.S. Human rights advocacy is a passion of mine, especially highlighting the ongoing atrocities committed in India and persecution of religious minorities.   You can follow Damanvir on twitter

Ungagged Team

Maggie Chapman

Maggie Chapman was born and brought up in the sunshine in Zimbabwe. Her musician Dad and housewife Mum encouraged her to spread her wings and explore the unknown. So she came to Scotland in 1998. She studied zoology and environmental management, her fieldwork taking her all over Scotland. However, she became frustrated that most humans […]

Ungagged Team

Erin Slaven

Erin is a 21 year old politics student from Glasgow. Erin has been engaged in feminist politics for a number of years through participation with Rape Crisis’ young activists group “STAMP” which aims to tackle gender stereotypes. She volunteers as a support worker for survivors of sexual abuse, and was shortlisted for a Write to […]