Perhaps the first serious, scholarly book I ever read for pleasure, rather than as part of a syllabus, was The Female Eunuch. I can’t remember now how I came across a copy or who recommended it to me, but I most certainly can remember the experience of reading it; I had never thought about my […]
As someone who was not as academically gifted, I was lucky enough to have parents who are both creatives in their own ways, who capitalised my creative successes and pushed me towards what I was naturally more drawn to. I then ironically in a state of teenage middle-class angst rebelled against art in the most […]
“if we can reverse it, we’ll reverse it immediately but someone who can raise money needs to cough up some cash. UK or Scottish govt, I frankly don’t care but it needs to be one of them”. Dan Hutchinson talking about the cuts to the Education budget in Glasgow. Neil talked to Glasgow City […]