Elections General Election 2024 Liberal Democrats Political Parties Prick Knobinson Satire

Prick Knobinson Ungagged! “Do Something You’ve Never Done Before…”

Prick on the LibDems… Prick’s recording of this piece HERE “Look. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve had manys a wheeze in my life. There was that time I snorted copious amounts of snow, drank three bottles of Volare Banana Liqueur, two litres of Don Julio 1942, a large glass of benzodiazepine (or two) and had […]

Elections General Election 2024 Labour Left Politics Neoliberalism Prick Knobinson Satire Tory Party Ungagged Writing Westminster

The Candidate

by Prick Knobinson Scandals nowadays are boring. I mean, in the good old days, Labour Party scandals were all about receiving brown envelopes. Tories were also using brown envelopes, but pushing them in the other direction in order to cover up some perversion with a Soviet spy or some Lord Fondleboy in a punt. I’ve […]