Elections General Election 2024 Graham Campbell Janis and Graham Ungagged Labour Left Politics Liberal Democrats Reform Scotland Scottish Greens Scottish Independence SNP Tory Party Ungagged Writing

Election Analysis: Cllr Graham Campbell, SNP Socialists

This is my initial analysis: “I’ve now had a bit of sleep and seen enough of the detail of results to form some observations from an SNP Left perspective: 1) given the disastrous starting background to the election for us the core SNP vote actually stood up pretty well at 30% – this wasn’t an […]

Democracy Elections General Election 2024 Labour Liberal Democrats Scottish Greens SNP Tory Party Uncategorized Westminster Willie Millers Moustache

It’s Time to Play the Music… ELECTION DAY!

By Willie Miller’s Moustache Regardless of who you vote for on Thursday, might I just take a moment to congratulate and commend you for doing so. Anyone who has been maintaining an even superficial interest in BritPol over the last few weeks and chosen not to emigrate, self-immolate, join or start some obscure and isolationist […]

Elections General Election 2024 Liberal Democrats Political Parties Prick Knobinson Satire

Prick Knobinson Ungagged! “Do Something You’ve Never Done Before…”

Prick on the LibDems… Prick’s recording of this piece HERE “Look. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve had manys a wheeze in my life. There was that time I snorted copious amounts of snow, drank three bottles of Volare Banana Liqueur, two litres of Don Julio 1942, a large glass of benzodiazepine (or two) and had […]

Elections General Election 2024 General Election 2024 Liberal Democrats Media Scotland SNP Tory Party Ungagged Interviews with Neil Anderson Westminster

Gerry Hassan interview with Neil Anderson

Our own @BikerNeil interviews writer, political commentator & academic Gerry Hassan @GerryHassan GerryHassan.com The tussle between SNP & Labour for Westminster seats in Scotland and the consequences if SNP lose their current “3rd Party” status. The increased MSM coverage of the general election in Scotland compared to previous elections. How have The Reform Party in […]

Brian Finlay Coronavirus Corruption David McClemont Debra Torrance Holyrude LGBTQIAP+ Liberal Democrats Scottish Greens Tory Party Trans Rights Ungagged Podcasts Westminster

Holyrude Ungagged – Episode 11 The Fan Club Dissolves

David (Twitter: @DavoMc82), Debra (@HeathPeaPict) and Brian (@WeeSociologist) NEWS – Willie Rennie Standing Down as Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats – Chaos in Downing Street – GB News continues to decline – Sian Berry stands down as Co-Leader of the Green Party of England & Wales MORE TORY CORRUPTION – Boris Bullingdon Buddy appointed […]

Campaigns Corruption Democracy Feminism Left Politics Liberal Democrats Media Scotland Scottish Independence Westminster

Strange Rumblings in Scotland: Blade Runner Strikes Again

Everyone is becoming edgy and kind of toe curlingly, stupidly nervous.  The Tory Party sent their colonial fixer to the house of Carlaw  sometime between the Covid-19 Prime Minister’s visit to Scotland and last night, and Unionism in Scotland, seems to have surrendered.  Adam “Up the Republic… oops… no, up the Union…” Tompkins has waved […]

Brexit Campaigns Democracy Elections Equality & Inclusion Left Politics Liberal Democrats Media Neoliberalism Privilege Scotland Scottish Independence

Say it Ain’t So Jo

This is a story of denial, delusion and illusion: All themes that ran through the 2019 General election campaign. Jo and The Libs The rise, or rather the inflation of Jo Swinson is not the only story in town, but the themes are strong in this one. I’d have been hard pushed to pick Jo […]

Brexit Campaigns Democracy Elections Left Politics Liberal Democrats Scotland Scottish Independence Westminster

Glasgow Councillor, Mhairi Hunter: Reflections on the Election.

Billy Connolly once said there is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing. Much as I adore Billy Connolly, I have to say he was wrong on that one. Even layered up to the max, December does not provide the optimal weather for electioneering. All the campaign photos of groups of canvassers […]