September 2014 we were full of hope. Last trip to a pre-referendum rally in George square, and Folk, full of enthusiasm and certainty that Yes would take the vote, hugging and shaking hands, politely ushering strangers to the stage for a good view. Then a ripple down my spine, a reminder that this is a […]
Prick Knobinson Ungagged! “Do Something You’ve Never Done Before…”
Prick on the LibDems… Prick’s recording of this piece HERE “Look. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve had manys a wheeze in my life. There was that time I snorted copious amounts of snow, drank three bottles of Volare Banana Liqueur, two litres of Don Julio 1942, a large glass of benzodiazepine (or two) and had […]
The Candidate
by Prick Knobinson Scandals nowadays are boring. I mean, in the good old days, Labour Party scandals were all about receiving brown envelopes. Tories were also using brown envelopes, but pushing them in the other direction in order to cover up some perversion with a Soviet spy or some Lord Fondleboy in a punt. I’ve […]
The Queue by Val Waldron
We call it QueueAnon, this wonderful fountain of freedom hitherto unknown, a snaking virtue of fellow patriots, knees bending to the virtues of the throne. Three days to bathe in our rightful place, in worship of her glorious majesty bowing our grateful head for the life of this deity In the guiding light of […]
I am IndyBag: Let me introduce myself
My friend, Philip Richard Knobinson (writes under the silly name of Prick) has invited me to write a weekly column for Ungagged as I live in and rarely leave Scotland? I’m of the left and know that Independence is the only direction the Tories and their press; New Labour and their tories are leading us […]
The Cancelling of “sexual athlete” and thinking dog, Joseph Stalin.
JK Rowling was the latest Russian hero who was cancelled. During the 20th Century, Joseph Stalin was cancelled by Western Imperialists and some other people. But did he die, or is that a lie of Western Imperialist cancel culture..?
Defend Our Betters.
There is no need to slag the partying, brexiting, hard working Tories.
You’re Muted
Warning We are approaching 2020 As you leave the craft, collect hand sanitizer, a mask, And a full-face visor for your one task Which you must accept To prevent contamination Now fear not, for you will also find some peace. A short respite from the warring, starving nations Who must now repel disease. And […]
Every Street Needs a Trevor
Let me start by quoting E.M. Forster. Ooh, tomorrow – some fool will start the Machine again, tomorrow.” “Never,” said Kuno, “never. Humanity has learned its lesson.” A Doctor friend of mine has been on his social media, pouring scorn on taxi drivers delivering alcohol to alcoholics. I meet Doctor Anon on my daily shuffle […]
THE GOLDEN DAWN; CAMDEN CHAOS-MAGICIANS; AND THE WINTER OF MILD DISCOMFORT By Stevedore McCormack (sic) STEP #8: MANCHURIAN CANDIDATES AND LOW-GRADE PATSIES Kenneth Pringle took a long drag on his cigarette, exhaled a mighty cloud of smoke and delivered his coup de grace: ‘I am now 100% certain that Stephen Kinnock is a mind-controlled asset. […]