Campaigns Elections Scotland Westminster

What is a Section 30 order and why will we never get one again for a referendum?

The right to hold a referendum on Scottish independence is a reserved power under the Scotland Act 1998 so the Scottish Parliament has no power to put in place legislation to hold one. That power is reserved to the Westminster Parliament. Under the Edinburgh Agreement of the 15th of October 2012 the Westminster Parliament agreed […]


Where are we with Brexit?

It is difficult to work out what the next steps will be in Parliament and what the Tories and the Labour party will propose in the inexorable countdown to Brexit. What we do know is what has happened up to this point. The Withdrawal Agreement negotiated between the UK and the EU has been voted […]

Ungagged Team

Martin MacDonald

Martin MacDonald was brought up near the village of Plockton in the Highlands and now lives not far from there in Kyle of Lochalsh.   After gaining an electronics degree in the University of Edinburgh he started work in the BUTEC torpedo testing range near Kyle eventually becoming a Trials Technical Advisor and the Computer […]