So What, If
What if you’re told you can’t, when you know you can
When you’re still in the running not an also ran
Start off last and end up first
The party’s last balloon to burst
To be full of intention but put down when you try
Yet stand straight back up and throw defiance in their eyes
Know what you’re worth when no value is given
When no price can buy you on earth or the heavens
Times drag you down without a frown or complaint
Pressure bears on you without constraint
The weight is crushing
You cope through the pain
Then you’re a Man from the boy
Bees knees real McCoy
Woman from Girl
A Diamond a Pearl
To be the seen not saw
When your best’s not enough to peers, friend or foe
You pull through, your strength will show
When you’re flat on your back and don’t know how to respond
Reach up for the moon and the stars beyond
When times are hard and you have no luck
That’s when to tell them
They can get to