“There are so many people”, he tells me. Cherubic faces congregate in the playground below. Miniature human traffic in maroon and plaid Waving earnestly to Gran or Mum or Dad As they let go of hands and are soon departed. S is for – Sports Socks Two for TEN pound. Times have changed, Become estranged […]
Tag: Ungagged Poetry
You’re Muted
Warning We are approaching 2020 As you leave the craft, collect hand sanitizer, a mask, And a full-face visor for your one task Which you must accept To prevent contamination Now fear not, for you will also find some peace. A short respite from the warring, starving nations Who must now repel disease. And […]
Poetry – The Scum Parade
Ah whose got the short straw today lads? Which one of the scum parade have we got today? The one who ran a pyramid scheme? The one who made laws that would kick out her own dad? Another day, another lie. It’s like another 747 falling out the sky. The scum parade get up and […]
Happy Families
Happy Families Can I have Mr Passenger Pigeon please? Sorry, no can doo, nor his kids or missus too. You would like a Great Auk now? Master, Miss? Never, ever, ask for this. And a flightless, big-beaked Dodo? Like the Great Auk, only more so. What about a Thylacine, marsupial with tiger stripes? […]
The Dance
The Dance. Linda Devlin. Fascism doesn’t come snarling and slobbering to your door, He’s genial and sociable with an air of troubadour. He won’t go marching to the dance in jack boots and brown shirt He’s charming, suave and smiling and he’ll cajole and flirt. He’ll entice you smoothly into an exotic dance […]
Stand Aside, Brother
“All men are trash”She tweets, in her rageAs yet more news showsLife for women’s a cage. “Not all men,” you object,Because you’re a nice guyAnd anyway 99%of rape accusations are lies. “We don’t hate women!Don’t we have mothers?”They yell at the victims,Instead of checking their brothers. I don’t need you telling meI shouldn’t be madDouble […]
The Feltham Masterplan
I can’t believe it that I’m having to fight, For something that belongs to me by right. We just don’t rent or set up any where , We aren’t gypsys we’re showman from the fair! We work long hours come rain, blow or snow, We don’t get much time off either you know. But that […]
They don’t Or can’t Or simply won’t believe That their system of order is breaking down now around their ears See, so convinced are they Of their own invincibility That they even tried to tell us once that this is the end of history Like they had attained mastery Over even history […]
Come the Day…
Available FREE on iTunes and Podbean On this episode of Ungagged, introduced by Neil Scott, Graham Campbell talks about the Rethinking Race conference in Glasgow, Victoria Pearson reminds us that hope is apathy’s twin sister if it isnt backed up with action, and George Collins talks about how children are citizens now, not citizens in waiting, and they deserve to have that […]
Just think of all those hours where You weren’t ill, weren’t lost or heartbroken Weren’t unhappy, weren’t distressed Nor tortured with words, spoken or unspoken When you were going about your business as usual. Distractedly, maybe, bored, barely awake, But not in pain, unhappy, feeling desperate Or wracked with self-doubt, or shattered by […]