Available FREE on iTunes and Podbean In this episode, self confessed bald white guy, Neil Scott, lectures us on racism, Brexit and the media of the billionaires; Nathália Urban on the rise of femicide cases in Brazil Music; the Scottish Socialist Party’s Richie Venton on 1919 – revolt on the Clyde and Lagan, The Wakes lead singer, Paul […]
Tag: John McHarg
GE2017: Kick Out The Tories
Available FREE on iTunes and Podbean On this Pre-Election special, we’ll have Derek Stewart Macpherson with the first part of his Spin Cycle series, John McHarg talking about voter choice, Richie Venton on the choices socialists are facing in this election, and we’ll be hearing from Nick Durie about how this election proves the YES […]
John McHarg Writing
News, Articles and Opinion Hey, Gringo! Fiction A Statement from the BBC Finders Keepers The Door and the Handle Poetry So What, If Check out John’s Ungagged Art
Hey Gringo! You’re in trouble now!
San Felipe, Baja California 1998. I didn’t want to go, this was a fairly common reaction when Gary suggested going anywhere. Through frequent bad judgement being anywhere with Gary was a bad idea and as was to prove more than accurate, this time was no different. “Let’s go down to San Felipe” This was Thursday, […]
John McHarg Art
The amaingly talented John McHarg has produced loads of art for the Ungagged site And is jaw droppingly talented in other mediums too.
So What, If
So What, If What if you’re told you can’t, when you know you can When you’re still in the running not an also ran Start off last and end up first The party’s last balloon to burst To be full of intention but put down when you try Yet stand straight back up and throw defiance in […]
The Door And The Handle
The Door and the Handle In someone’s imagination is a Universe. In this Universe is one solitary planet. On this one solitary planet is one tiny island and on this tiny Island is a tiny cottage. This tiny cottage consists of one room which has one door in and that same door in is the […]
Finders Keepers
Finders Keepers It was just lying there, underneath the table, Naomi had spotted it while clearing up, It was 1.30am and she had had a long hard shift. An iPhone 5, brand new, she couldn’t believe her luck. On her meagre wages there was no way she could afford one of these but now here […]
A Statement From the BBC
A Statement from the BBC The BBC unequivocally apologises for any insult, hurt, stress, trauma,abuse,affrontery,derision,discourtesy,disrespect,ignominy,impertinence,impudence,incivility, insolence, offense, outrage, rudeness, shame or slander that any of our viewers may have felt or felt subject to, think they felt, either real or not or felt they felt in any way conscious or subconscious either mentally spiritually or […]
John McHarg
John was born in Glasgow 1967 and grew up in the west end until the age of 6 before moving over to the East End. In these formative years he developed a love for punk rock which continues to this day and particularly Anarcho Political groups such as Crass and Conflict which he says is […]