Graham Campbell Human Rights Janis and Graham Ungagged Janis Wilson Racial Justice Scotland SNP Socialism

Janis & Graham Ungagged! – Welcome to Nothing Ever happens…

The SNP Socialists Co-Convenors, Janis Wilson and Graham Campbell discuss; the situation in Palestine, Starmer on reparations & UK Budget speculation. Music: Roy Möller Scottish left, pro-Indy, pro-LGBTIQA Podcasts. Writing. Campaigns. Please join us- help us create a new, fair media- Where to find Left Ungagged… Website Twitter (X) YouTube Spotify Apple podcasts Podbean […]

Alba Party Black Lives Matter Campaigns Democracy Equality & Inclusion History Israel Labour Left Politics LGBTQIAP+ Neil Scott NHS Northern Ireland Palestine Political Parties Racial Justice Scotland Scottish Greens Scottish Independence Scottish Socialist Party SNP Socialism Trade Unions Ungagged Writing

Indyref 10: Choose a side.

By Neil Scott The SNP needs to be better. The SNP has to be more “SSP.” Hear me out. I have sleepless nights over the genocide in Gaza. I see no real solution coming about until Israel changes as a result of our collective actions, our collective push in the way YEARS of boycotting and […]

Equality & Inclusion Fascism History Left Politics Neoliberalism Politics of Hate Racial Justice Racism Reform Richie Venton Richie Venton Ungagged Scottish Socialist Party Trade Unions Ungagged Podcasts

Richie Venton Ungagged! S2 Ep 2 Reject the Filthy Rich, Filthy Racists!

Richie expands on last weeks episode and contextualises the far right organisations and the filthy rich people who instigated the recent riots into the wider history of the imperialist UK. Scottish left, pro-Indy, pro-LGBTIQA Podcasts. Writing. Campaigns. Please join us- help us create a new, fair media- Where to find Left Ungagged…   Website […]

Campaigns Conspiracy Theories Culture Wars Fascism Human Rights Immigration Left Politics Politics of Hate Racial Justice Racism Richie Venton Ungagged Scottish Socialist Party Trade Unions Ungagged Podcasts

Richie Venton Ungagged! – Season 2 Ep 1 – How to Organise against the Fascist Thugs.

Richie Venton Ungagged! – Season 2 Ep 1 – How to Organise against the Fascist Thugs. SSP Trades Union Organiser, Richie Venton on how to organise against the fascists and their leaders.  Also included in this podcast is Richie’s speech outside a hotel housing refugees.  The Paisley community organised the demo that ensured the fascist […]

Democracy Elections Fascism General Election 2024 Industry Labour Left Politics LGBTQIAP+ Poverty Racial Justice Richie Venton Richie Venton Ungagged Scotland Scottish Socialist Party Tory Party Trade Unions Ungagged Podcasts Westminster

Richie Venton Ungagged! Episode 5

Richie Venton the SSP Trades Union Organiser, on the vacuum in British politics created by a Labour party being pulled rightwards by the economic disaster left by 14 years of toryism, and the distraction of the populist far right. Music: The Kara Sea Where to find Left Ungagged… Twitter (X) Instagram YouTube […]

Culture Wars Damien Donnelly Democracy Elections Equality & Inclusion General Election 2024 Human Rights Labour Left Politics LGBTQIAP+ Mental Health NHS Politics of Hate Racial Justice Racism Scotland Scottish Greens SNP Tory Party Trans Rights Ungagged Writing

Tears, Fears and Electioneers…

by Damien Donnelly While I’m well used to elections being preceded by a period of desperate on-the-hoof policy, from all sides, this coming UK general election seems especially to have thrown into stark relief how low we have sunk as a country. Where that’s most evident is, as always, in how minorities are being treated. […]

Democracy Economy & Finance Equality & Inclusion Feminism Industry Labour Left Politics LGBTQIAP+ Neoliberalism Poverty Racism Richie Venton Richie Venton Ungagged Scotland Scottish Greens Scottish Independence Scottish Socialist Party SNP Tory Party Trans Rights

Richie Venton Ungagged! Episode 2 “Where IS the Centre Left?”

 Richie Venton on Starmer and Swinney’s claims to be “Centre Left.” what does that mean for working class people when 1 the Labour right winger, Neil Kinnock says Starmer “has gone too far,” and 2 Swinney’s inclusion of Kate Forbes and her economic and social views, into his Cabinet. Music – The Kara Sea. […]

Australia Equality & Inclusion Neil Scott Racial Justice Racism Ungag the Choons! Ungagged Music

Ungag the Choons – Ep 2 “First People.”

Neil Scott talks about a Australian song from 1987 that helped radicalise him in Troubles torn Northern Ireland. If you want to know more about this song and the oils – please watch Peter Garrett: Midnight Oil frontman on Music & Politics – on youtube    And if its available where you are, look […]

Human Rights Immigration International Media Mhairi Hunter Privilege Racial Justice Racism Ungagged Writing

Anonymity and Tragedy: why telling stories of the asylum seeker is so important by Mhairi Hunter

We knew their names, their faces, their stories. That made us feel connected to them. And that’s a key difference with coverage of refugees, who usually remain a nameless and faceless mass to us.   There has been much commentary in the past few days about the difference in media/public perception of the Titan tragedy […]