China Climate & Environment Coronavirus Corruption Democracy International Russia Ungagged Team Ungagged Writing USA

From Chernobyl to Covid-19

Browsing social media recently I came across one blogger who claimed that Covid-19 will be America’s Chernobyl. That seems a bit like hyperbole. Chernobyl, as history records, became a central part of Gorbachev’s Glasnost campaign which eventually led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union (helped of course by the industrial level of corruption among […]

Campaigns Catalonia Democracy International Left Politics Scottish Independence Ungagged Writing

From Catalonia to Calton – with Valentina Servera Clavell

Opposition to Scotland’s place in the United Kingdom has existed, in one for, or another, since its founding in 1707, often with anti-imperialist sentiment at its heart. The SNP were founded to campaign against it in 1934 and grew with the collapse of empire in the 1950s, and 60s, but only in the 1970s did […]

Neil Scott Ungagged Podcasts

All we Are Saying…

Available FREE on iTunes and Podbean     On this episode, introduced by Neil Scott,  we’ll have the late, great Ron Mackay talking utterly opposing war, Simone Charlesworth discussing fox hunting, Steve McAuliffe’s Spin Cycle, an election night broadcast, Em Dehaney performing Richard Wall’s poem Strong and Stable and Fuad Alakbarov will be speaking about […]