If Veronika were younger she’d be a New Scot. She was born in Vienna, but her Austrian parents soon moved her to Scotland ‘for a year’ …and never went home. That was back in the 60s.
Veronika trained as an archaeologist and a teacher but became a campaigner. She has been active for peace, social and environmental justice, for her entire adult life. Her activism takes the form of big activities – like organising demos and small personal ones like picking up two pieces of rubbish whenever she goes to beach.
Veronika has formed a political party as a campaigning tool, She also stood for parliament herself on several occasions (both parliaments, actually, Westminster and Holyrood) for the Scottish Green party. She volunteered and later did paid work in breastfeeding promotion, including writng and delivering a programme for teaching 3-18 year olds about breastfeeding. She has volunteered on all levels and recently worked of the Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (SCND). She volunteers for the Citizens’ Advice Bureau
Veronika loves knitting, but not knitting patterns, and the sea.
You can follow her on Twitter @ Tartan Pacifist or see the beach on facebook on Today’s Sea, but it’s time better spent following Scottish CND or @Scottish cnd.