“COVID-19 rocked the world in a way few other events could. International structures long taken for granted crumbled as nation states struggled to confront this novel virus and the chaos it brought. Everything from supply chains to migration policy to the reliability of scientific institutions came under fire, but no sector has taken more blows than healthcare. Americans were shocked at the sights of U.S. healthcare workers sporting garbage bags in April, 2020 as we learned of personal protective equipment (PPE) shortages. Vaccination itself became a politicized issue as government officials touted or condemned the vaccine based on their party affiliation.
New revelations about the National Institutes of Health (NIH)’s funding of gain of function research casts new doubt on the origins of the virus and the implications of future such projects. It’s a ton to dissect, and we’re gonna need some more hands in the med room for this one. Dr. Nancy Anderson, retired Associate Professor in the Department of Midwifery at Bastyr University joins WorldBeat to discuss her entry into the healthcare industry, the tragic death of her father at the hands of a racist healthcare system, and why black and brown populations are still so gunshy about interacting with American medical institutions. Intro/outro music by Batata K1ng