Ceasefire Now! Vies with The Word of ancient scriptures. Brass bands deliver doleful praise to children of the Bleak Midwinter lining both sides of the street, in tatters, swaddled, frost deep, in limp blue quilt. Loose change lands In cups and cans, from guilt or proffered hands that can least afford it. Still […]
Built to last? Dave Coull doesn’t think so…
“It’s nice, isn’t it? The quiet.” These words, written by a Starmer fan in mid-July, sound delusional now. But as Owen Jones says, they were what Starmer himself and his colleagues expected. “The Starmerite theory of power went like this: Britain’s problems were largely explained by a lack of leadership qualities at the top. Sir […]
Richie Venton Ungagged! S2 Ep 3 “He earns WHAT while I struggle?!!
Richie Venton, the Scottish Socialist Party Trades Union Organiser on Labour and the SNP’s choice of nu-austerity. Scottish left, pro-Indy, pro-LGBTIQA Podcasts. Writing. Campaigns. Please join us- help us create a new, fair media- https://ko-fi.com/ungagged Where to find Left Ungagged… Website Twitter (X) YouTube Spotify Apple podcasts Podbean Facebook Instagram
Richie Venton Ungagged! Episode 5
Richie Venton the SSP Trades Union Organiser, on the vacuum in British politics created by a Labour party being pulled rightwards by the economic disaster left by 14 years of toryism, and the distraction of the populist far right. Music: The Kara Sea Where to find Left Ungagged… Twitter (X) https://x.com/_Ungagged?t=vXAjjZz7RQ8KtDX4o4ZXXw&s=09 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/leftungagged?igsh=MndxNWpweXExbmUy YouTube https://youtube.com/@fullyungagged902?si=9UN8VF6aNMFMyK4I […]
Richie Venton Ungagged Ep4: Things WILL get better if we fight for socialism NOW!
Richie Venton, The Scottish Socialist Party Trades Union Organiser on how to fill the vacuum of a Starmer General Election win with substance – campaign for real socialist policies NOW. Music: The Kara Sea Photos: Craig Maclean
Good Riddance
Neil Scott on Theresa May’s last speech in the Commons. I’ve just watched as Theresa May made her last speech in Westminster (and Harriet Harman… and what a contrast… i’d urge you to find them on YouTube). May’s narrative in her speech was one of hard work and of ambition- with barbed comments against those […]
Election Balls…
by Willie Millars Moustache… It is quite a feat for the tories to take everyone by surprise, including themselves but they managed it. I assumed the thieving bastards would hang on to January to squeeze the very last penny out of the public purse and plant as many landmines and bear traps as possible. But […]
Janis and Graham Ungagged! Episode 4: “Tory, Tory, Tory… or Socialist?”
SNP Socialists, Janis and Graham discuss the announcement of the General Election…
Richie Venton Ungagged! Episode 3 “How to solve homelessness…”
Richie Venton on the crisis in housing; how the Scottish Government have been cutting housing budgets, the resulting homelessness and how to solve it! *Richie corrects his initial valuation of Anders Holch Povlsen to £6.5 Billion. Music: The Kara Sea
Janis and Graham Ungagged! Ep 3 “Extremists…”
On – Richie Sunak’s “Extremist” comments regarding the Scottish Electorate, – the imminence of new Scottish nuke power stations -according to Alister Jack – under an imagined ”return of a unionist regime,” and what this statement says about British politics… – Why Andy Burnham WANTS what we have. – The gradualism of Swinney – and […]