We are people of the world you and I
Literally we are of this world
Though the makers of this world despise us
-We eat unremarkable food and agonise from time to time over the price of a piece of fillet steak
Or some of us learn to content ourselves with non-nutritious chemical substitutes
Whilst others among us scrabble around for scraps to eat
Or simply starve
In alley-ways not yet designated prime real-estate by they who hate us all
See, this is this common thread that links us all
We are all
All of us, despite our perceived statuses
Despised by people who never have to choose, who never have to surrender indulgence, who hate the sight of those who starve, yet are conversely reassured by their ongoing existence
Economic vampires
Deathly white, sat in the back of black limousines tour the slums and hellish corners
Of our hijacked cities after dark
Hissing at the remaining ever-dwindling social housing
Hungrily clawing at the leather seats
Barely containing their blood-lust for the scattered remnants of the working-classes
Social cleansing is the sucking dry of the lifeblood of this city
And the corporate vampire shall not be sated
Not till the uninhibited sound of childhood laughter
Is driven once and for all from these few remaining streets
And as for us, during this calm before the scheduled storm
Our lives are barely tolerated
Providing we do not sit atop some precious minerals
Or our meagre dwellings do not interrupt the path of so-called progress
Tolerated, for now, at least until the next engineered clearance is okayed by a compliant government – or a corrupt council
Or a judiciary hired to legitimise the perpetuation of wealthy expansionism
Until then
They look upon us with hungry scorn
Unaware that many among us long ago prepared our pointed wooden stakes
Ready for their inevitable descent from out of a dark sky dimly lit by a blood-red moon
And on the date and time of their inevitable appearances
We shall be waiting outside our meagre homes
To conduct long-awaited and way-overdue clearances of our very own
A battle-cry goes up to match their werewolf call
And the corporate vampire who aimed to blind us
To eternally bind us
shall find us
Powerful stake-holders after all