Ceasefire Now! Vies with The Word of ancient scriptures. Brass bands deliver doleful praise to children of the Bleak Midwinter lining both sides of the street, in tatters, swaddled, frost deep, in limp blue quilt. Loose change lands In cups and cans, from guilt or proffered hands that can least afford it. Still […]
Author: Val Waldron
Clackmannanshire is A Shitehole
September 2014 we were full of hope. Last trip to a pre-referendum rally in George square, and Folk, full of enthusiasm and certainty that Yes would take the vote, hugging and shaking hands, politely ushering strangers to the stage for a good view. Then a ripple down my spine, a reminder that this is a […]
What Do We Want, How Do We Want It?
Opinion polls ask the wrong question, in an attempt to grade importance of issues, vying austerity, foreign affairs etc against independence. This approach fails to illustrate that a progressive independent Scotland, with all of our (suddenly recognised and exploited) resources could go some way towards addressing these issues. It’s hard to forego a little nostalgia […]
When will the penny drop that No-one is entitled to our votes, that we need politicians with an ear to the ground, not the right wing. When I think of the years 2013/14 I think of one of those Penny Pusher machines from amusement arcades, representative of voters and members tumbling like freed coins from […]
The Joker by Val Waldron
An apparition emerges from the wings. He strokes his chin, flexes his will to win once more and shoulders the door of democracy. He does not hide his grotesque face, nor his intention to burn down any trace of unlawful entry. Power-driven waste is his vanity. He looks the world in the eye, his […]
A Charter for Transphobes by Damien Donnelly
What we know for sure is, with soaring hate crime rates, especially transphobic ones, across the western world fuelled by relentlessly negative press and a government in thrall to a vocal minority of ‘gender criticals,’ the real danger is not from treating trans people the way they wish to be treated. The conclusion of the […]
Dreaming in Green by Val Waldron
Not a week goes by in Scottish politics when the decision to vote No in 2014 does not rear its ugly head. November 2023, the Scottish Broadcasting Company reports growing unrest south of the border. Massive crowds are gathering daily outside Westminster, demanding an end to Tory rule, following emergency legislation allowing the General Election […]
Indyref Anniversary
Only a referendum is going to fairly represent the people in terms of votes. Humza Yousaf has previously indicated his preference for building the movement until it’s impossible to ignore us. We don’t hold all the cards there though and nothing is guaranteed, so if a majority of seats at the next election is enough […]
The Queue by Val Waldron
We call it QueueAnon, this wonderful fountain of freedom hitherto unknown, a snaking virtue of fellow patriots, knees bending to the virtues of the throne. Three days to bathe in our rightful place, in worship of her glorious majesty bowing our grateful head for the life of this deity In the guiding light of […]
Autoimmunity Within the Independence Movement
The obstacles to our independence are not all about media-led rabid unionism, or floating voters. We have a problem within the movement, something really toxic. It resembles a kind of auto-immune disease, a drive to eat away at the host and make barren the soil it depends on; the movement itself. The dreaded anniversary of […]