Protesters demonstrating for a water supply were targeted by a terrorist today (18th July 19).
Today , the Landless Movement members (MST) of “Camp Marielle Vive” in Valinhos, Brazil, held a peaceful demonstration on Jequitibá Road, km 07, in front of the Camp, when they were surprised by a man with a pickup truck at high speed who drove the vehicle at the protesters.
The demonstration was about a basic human issue: to pressure the city hall to supply water for the Camp.
The Camp has more than one thousand families and has existed since April of 2018. Educator, Luiz Ferreira da Costa, 72, was ran over, he was rescued but died early in the morning. Other people were also injured, including a journalist that was covering the demonstration.
Other people were also injured, including a journalist that was covering the demonstration.
Luiz was carrying the main strip of the demonstration and because his back was turned, he did not see the car approaching, Luiz had wife and children.
In a statement, the MST demands immediate punishment of the murderer, “who acted under the climate of terror against popular movements, encouraged by irresponsible authorities in the Brazilian government.”