Brazil China Climate & Environment Coronavirus Crime Fascism Feminism Health Human Rights Media NHS Russia

Isolation Policy Too Late for Some, as Pandemic Warnings were not taken Seriously

The news that an unknown virus which caused breathing and respiratory problems was spreading rapidly in Wuhan at the end of last year caused little alarm at first, and people could be forgiven for paying it no attention. The other news stories of January and February 2020 included the assassination of one of Iran’s leading generals by the US and the horrific Australian bush fires. In the UK, Labour had suffered its worst […]

Brazil Campaigns Democracy Education George Collins Book Club History Left Politics Neil Scott Scottish Independence Ungagged Podcasts

Ordinary Heroes

Available FREE  on iTunes and Podbean Or Stream via our player, here:   In this episode Neil Scott talks about his fears during the Northern Irish Troubles, Nathália Urban reviews an extraordinary book by The SNP founder on Brazil, Debra Torrance dares not mention Coronavirus and Richie Venton talks about the recent decision (overturned) by Glasgow City Council […]

Lula Da Silva
Brazil Climate & Environment Democracy

“Don’t Be afraid to resist!” – Nathália Urban on Lula’s First Speech since being released Lula’s first official speech: After his triumphant release from prison, former President Lula returns to his roots. From the metalworkers union In São Bernardo, he spoke for the first time about his ideas for improving Brazil and strengthening the Latin America left. Available FREE  on iTunes and Podbean #StandWithLula Please consider donating to us.  Small donations keep […]

Brazil Corruption Democracy Fascism Feminism Human Rights International Left Politics Scotland Scottish Independence

RIC2019: Nathalia Urban and Ross Greer Available FREE  on iTunes and Podbean On Saturday 26th of October, the Radical Independence Campaign held a conference.  The Speakers included Ungagged’s Nathalia Urban from Resist Brazil and Scottish Green MSP, Ross Greer.   Nathalia starts the podcast off, followed by Ross at, 6 mins 25 sec and then Nathalia again at 15 mins 20 secs.   […]

Brazil Campaigns Climate & Environment Corruption Human Rights

Project Mejkangati: and how an indigenous group in the Amazon is fighting to protect bees

Since the beginning of the year, the Brazilian government has granted the registration of 382 pesticides in addition to all harms to the health of humans and the environment, is killing millions of bees in Brazil. Fipronil-based products used mainly for planting soy are particularly dangerous to bees, and soybeans illegally occupy over 50,000 hectares […]

Brazil Education Equality & Inclusion Feminism International Left Politics Racism Ungagged Writing

Brazil – “Tinder of Books”, How Donating a Book Can Be an Anti-Racist Action

Pic:  Winnie Bueno – Founder of  “Tinder dos Livros”   In Brazil, the presence of black people in higher education has made some recent advances with the introduction of affirmative actions and other social programs, but in academia the racial portrait is one of greater inequality. According to a survey on the Socioeconomic and Cultural […]

Image of Brasil with a candles on it. With the bold words the Amazon is on fire.
Brazil Campaigns Climate & Environment Human Rights International

Please Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland can and must do more to stand in solidarity with the people of Brazil

Dear First Minister I am writing to alert and to ask you for attention to the political situation in Brazil. Since the political coup which resulted in the impeachment of Dilma Roussef, the country has suffered with the rise of far-right politicians. The election of Jair Bolsonaro, was received with great fear and sadness by […]

Brazil Campaigns Climate & Environment International

Complicity on Destruction- International companies are profiting over the destruction of the Amazon

European companies are reinforcing Bolsonaro’s far-right and climate-damaging agenda and profiting over the destruction of the Brazilian environment and the indigenous genocide. The APIB ( Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil) report entitled “Complicity on Destruction” showed for the first time how soybean, cattle, timber and sugar companies responsible for the destruction of the Brazilian […]