On the 8th day of Christmas Ungagged are asking you to save 8 people’s lives. Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think.
Signing up to the organ donor register will take around a minute, and it won’t cost you a single penny. But you can literally save the lives of eight people, and improve the lives of up to 120,000 more.
90% of us think being an organ donor is the right thing to do. But only 30% of us sign up to the organ donor register. There are nearly 6500 people currently waiting for organs. Many of them, including children, will never get one.
By signing up to the organ donor register, you can help stop not just one family going through the pain of bereavement, but eight. If you consent to donating your tissue or your eyes, you can improve the lives of up to 120,000 more people.
You can be a hero, in less time than it takes to make a cup of tea. And you don’t even need to leave the house.
Don’t forget to tell your next of kin what you’ve done, as they can override your wishes. Maybe you’ll convince them to sign up too, and you’ll save twice as many people.
Sign up to the Organ Donor register HERE
And if you already did this during our Activist Advent in 2016, maybe post about what prompted you to join the Organ Donor register on your social media accounts, and why others should consider doing the same, or consider signing up to give blood, if you can.
If you live near a blood clinic that takes plasma or platelets, you might want to consider that too