The New Year will be here soon, how about we try to have a little bit of empathy for one another, how about we don’t equate trans people with child abusers, just for one day, or forever, and how about we spread that peace, love and joy we talk so much about at this time […]
Tag: Christmas
Christmas Borders…
Available FREE on iTunes and Podbean The UK Christmas Election is highlighting how awful the binary sloganeering of the right really is – and how much the power of the Billionaire owned press and media still is killing democracy. Let this be your antidote. Help us continue to podcast, publish and campaign… a few quid keeps […]
12 Days of Christmas -Day 12
It’s the 12th day of Christmas. The decorations are coming down, epiphanies have been reached, wise men have delivered unwise gifts. You’ve made it through the festive season unscathed for another year and we can all take a huge sigh of relief. Christmas is hard work for lots of people. Even if you aren’t one […]
12 Days of Christmas- Day 11
Today’s 12 Days of Christmas challenge is arguably the most challenging, but we are sure you can do it. Did you know that in the top 10 of UK’s most endangered species are hedgehogs, turtle doves, red squirrels but also that 6 out of the 10 are in fact insects? Insects play a vital role […]
12 Days of Christmas- Day 10
On the 10th day of Christmas, Ungagged are asking you to suport a cause. “But wait, isn’t that just the same as ‘Support a Charity’ from the other day?” I hear you cry. Well, no. There are lots of causes that aren’t linked to charities, which desperately need our support. This doesn’t have to be […]
12 Days of Christmas- Day 9
On the 9th Day of Christmas Ungagged are bringing the focus back to your local community. Another nice easy one to do today, and it really will make at least your little corner of the world a nicer place. Wherever you are going today, whether you’re off to work or to the shops, on the […]
12 Days of Christmas- Day 8
On the 8th day of Christmas Ungagged are asking you to save 8 people’s lives. Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think. Signing up to the organ donor register will take around a minute, and it won’t cost you a single penny. But you can literally save the lives of eight people, and improve the lives […]
12 Days of Christmas- Day 7
Happy new year! Here’s a nice, simple task to make the transition into 2018 easier. Be kinder. So simple, yet so often elusive, it seems. But over Christmas it was easy, wasn’t it? Most of us tried our best to be kinder during the Christmas period – and not just because Santa may be watching. […]
12 Days of Christmas- Day 6
Can you believe we are halfway through our 12 Days of Christmas already? Today’s small act will cost you nothing but time, but could make all the difference to someone’s wellbeing. It can be hard to admit when you are feeling lonely, and Christmas can be one of the loneliest times of the year. Have […]
12 Days of Christmas- Day 5
Today’s little way of making the world a better place won’t even cost you a penny. For the fifth day of christmas; it’s so easy to say thank you, but it’s also easy to overlook. But manners are so important. A pleasant or polite exchange can make all the difference to how someone’s working day […]