Neil Anderson @BikerNeil hosts with Val Waldron @scribblingval and Brian Finlay @WeeSociologist. This week’s topic starters; 1) Indy Ref 9th Anniversary & SNP conf motion, 2) Highest Scottish population ‘ever’! And Scots views on immigration, 3) Fergus Ewing MSP & SNP/SGP BHA – acronym heaven 🙂 4) Helix Park – Falkirk 10th Anniversary – Kelpies […]
Neil Anderson
Holyrude Ungagged – December 9th 2022
David discusses Scottish aspects of Westminster politics with Ungagged’s Kat Cary (Talking Sense) & Neil Anderson (Ungagged Interviews). Many other aspects of politics included as usual.
Ungagged Interview with Gerry Hassan
Neil discusses with Scottish Independence expert Gerry Hassan about what is contained in his recent publication Scotland Rising. Available on this link for Pluto Books Gerry has great insight to Scottish politics and has very reasoned arguemets as to why Scotland needs it’s independence back.
3.2 Talking Sense: The Post-Conference Post-mortem
Kat and Erin are joined by Guest Co-Host Neil Anderson of the Scottish Greens Trade Union Group to chat about the recent SNP and Scottish Greens autumn conferences. SNP Conference Abortion Services in Scotland Femicide of Mahsa Amini and Supporting Protestors in Iran Scottish Greens Conference: STUC Scotland Demands Better Unite the […]
Interview with Glasgow City Councillor Matt Kerr – September 2022
Interview by Neil Anderson. Part 3 of 3 with GCC Councillors. Matt Kerr – Scottish Labour. Discussions range from Unions, Brexit, Scottish Independence & the City of London. With music track Drive by – Rufilo.
Interview with Glasgow City Councillor Graham Campbell August 2022
Neil Anderson interviews long time Ungagged contributor Graham Campbell. Topics range from the newly elected Glasgow City Council inc’ convenorship of Education committee, slavery reparations and Indyref 2.
Interview with Glasgow City Councillors – Pt 1 – Elaine Gallagher – SGP
Interview by Neil Anderson. Part 1 of 3 with GCC Councillors. This first one with Scottish Green Party Councillor Elaine Gallagher. With two music tracks. Firstly – The Wakes – The Battle of George Square and part way through Voxken – Crystal Eyes.
The Neil A. Files: Arthur West, Scottish CND
Neil Anderson chats to Scottish CND Chair, Arthur West
Ungagged Scottish Indy Special!
With contributions from our own Val Waldron (Twitter: @scribblingval) and David McClemont (@DavoMc82), plus the Scottish Green Councillor, Marth Wardrop (Twitter: @MarthaWardrop), David Peutherer of Scottish CND (Twitter: @scottishCND), SNP Councillor Graham Campbell (Twitter: @ceeGraham1) and a view from the USA from our George Collins – All held together (and edited by) Neil Anderson (@BikerNeil). […]
Ungagged Interviews: Laura Bilton BLM and Councillor Graham Campbell
Neil Anderson leads a conversation with Glasgow Councillor Graham Campbell and Laura Bilton of Black Lives Matter, Edinburgh on – -the Radical Independence Conference and the way forward for indyref2. -the non inclusion of black and BAME communities and their place in Scottish society. – BLM and other movements for inclusion in changing societal views. […]