Brexit Fascism Left Politics Racism Scottish Independence

Gleichschaltung – or, “How the Left Helped Unite the Racists.”

During the forced Westminster closure, the fascists, the far right populist and various idiots will be supporting their leaders as they  plan the next phase of Gleichschaltung. The right hate each other, every bit as much as they hate sharing this world with other h man beings. But, they will support each other and support […]

Brexit Democracy Equality & Inclusion Fascism Scotland Scottish Independence SNP Ungagged Writing

Opinion – Sam Hamad: Is the SNP no longer fit for purpose as a party for Scottish independence?

…not with Sturgeon as leader. Or, pushing graciousness to its limits, at least not with the current strategy of Sturgeon and her team shaping the party’s political direction. On the face things, Scottish separatism ought to be at an all-time high. In fact, if polling is to be believed, it is at an all-time high. […]