Richie Venton is an activist and writer, and is a founder member of the Scottish Socialist Party. He is the Workplace and unions organiser of the party. He was the central organise of the Merseyside socialists who led a victorious mass movement against Thatcher’s government in the ’80’s, which won huge reforms for the people […]
Tag: Thatcher
From Chernobyl to Covid-19
Browsing social media recently I came across one blogger who claimed that Covid-19 will be America’s Chernobyl. That seems a bit like hyperbole. Chernobyl, as history records, became a central part of Gorbachev’s Glasnost campaign which eventually led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union (helped of course by the industrial level of corruption among […]
What does it take to cause change?
When JFK once said that the US must keep moving forward just to stay still, one can only imagine how he would be viewing the quagmire that we find ourselves in. The Tory led Brexit swamp we are all permanently bogged down in. Yet despite the chaos and carnage that a no deal Brexit will […]
Why Tracey Ulmann, Blackpool, and I Ruined Utopia
This is an article Neil composed originally as a piece for Ungagged. The podcast it is part of is this one (details and timings are on the website) This also appears on his blog Utopias we want to build are always, of course, something much better than what we are part of at present. And […]