Alba Party Black Lives Matter Campaigns Democracy Equality & Inclusion History Israel Labour Left Politics LGBTQIAP+ Neil Scott NHS Northern Ireland Palestine Political Parties Racial Justice Scotland Scottish Greens Scottish Independence Scottish Socialist Party SNP Socialism Trade Unions Ungagged Writing

Indyref 10: Choose a side.

By Neil Scott The SNP needs to be better. The SNP has to be more “SSP.” Hear me out. I have sleepless nights over the genocide in Gaza. I see no real solution coming about until Israel changes as a result of our collective actions, our collective push in the way YEARS of boycotting and […]

Equality & Inclusion Fascism History Left Politics Neoliberalism Politics of Hate Racial Justice Racism Reform Richie Venton Richie Venton Ungagged Scottish Socialist Party Trade Unions Ungagged Podcasts

Richie Venton Ungagged! S2 Ep 2 Reject the Filthy Rich, Filthy Racists!

Richie expands on last weeks episode and contextualises the far right organisations and the filthy rich people who instigated the recent riots into the wider history of the imperialist UK. Scottish left, pro-Indy, pro-LGBTIQA Podcasts. Writing. Campaigns. Please join us- help us create a new, fair media- Where to find Left Ungagged…   Website […]

Democracy History Industry Left Politics Richie Venton Trade Unions Uncategorized Ungagged Podcasts

Ungagged Presents: Richie Venton on the lessons of the Miner’s Stike

Richie Venton is an activist and writer, and is a founder member of the Scottish Socialist Party.  He is the Workplace and unions organiser of the party.  He was the central organise of the Merseyside socialists who led a victorious mass movement against Thatcher’s government in the ’80’s, which won huge reforms for the people […]

Education Equality & Inclusion Graham Campbell History Left Politics Local Elections Neil Anderson Scotland Scottish Independence Ungagged Interviews with Neil Anderson

Interview with Glasgow City Councillor Graham Campbell August 2022

Neil Anderson interviews long time Ungagged contributor Graham Campbell. Topics range from the newly elected Glasgow City Council inc’ convenorship of Education committee, slavery reparations and Indyref 2.

Black Lives Matter Brexit Campaigns Climate & Environment Coronavirus Democracy Fascism Health History Human Rights

The Blame Train

“It’s time to stop the Tutting and the eye-rolling at our neighbours. Let’s be vigilant about where we lay our blame” There’s a muckle great steam train thundering down the track and it’s aflame with blame for all the health, environmental and economic ills, caused by the Pandemic, Lockdown and Lockdown breaches. Simmering under that, […]

Fascism History

Greenock’s Darkest Hour

The 6th and 7th of May, 1941 are two days which shall live in infamy for the people of Greenock.  For two harrowing evenings Hitler’s Luftwaffe rained death and destruction down upon the unsuspecting people of the small Scottish town as they fled to makeshift shelters, tunnels, or anywhere which might have provided some respite […]

Brazil Campaigns Democracy Education George Collins Book Club History Left Politics Neil Scott Scottish Independence Ungagged Podcasts

Ordinary Heroes

Available FREE  on iTunes and Podbean Or Stream via our player, here:   In this episode Neil Scott talks about his fears during the Northern Irish Troubles, Nathália Urban reviews an extraordinary book by The SNP founder on Brazil, Debra Torrance dares not mention Coronavirus and Richie Venton talks about the recent decision (overturned) by Glasgow City Council […]