Originally published in International Green Socialist The Insanity of Brexit debates. Forward The Marxist method of rising from the abstract to the concrete, concerns the construction of conceptual models (theory) which correspond to things which have material existence. In the political sphere of course, we are concerned with human social practices. Practices of course are […]
Tommy Ball has been involved in progressive politics for over a decade. From Scottish National Party activist to Executive Committee member of the Scottish Socialist Party, he has pounded the streets and tenements of Glasgow and beyond delivering leaflets, speaking at pro-Independence events, and standing – generally unsuccessfully – for election in the Socialist interest. […]
“There are so many people”, he tells me. Cherubic faces congregate in the playground below. Miniature human traffic in maroon and plaid Waving earnestly to Gran or Mum or Dad As they let go of hands and are soon departed. S is for – Sports Socks Two for TEN pound. Times have changed, Become estranged […]