Everything that is good and pure and noble, all the great music, art, and poetry will, in time, by necessity, be subverted and perverted by the self-serving so-called elites. For they see us merely as units to be exploited and kept in perpetual darkness.
However, from time to time a great voice emerges to point out the brutality of the faceless men who steer the monolithic ship of state, and when this happens the dangerous message must be negated; or if too powerful and resonant a message, as William Blake’s undoubtedly was, then the intention must be reversed.
Thus does the poem Jerusalem (which was actually Blake’s preface to the poem Milton) become a patriotic hymn for fat privileged Tories in their elite Oxbridge drinking clubs, who without any discernible irony belt out the lines:
“And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?”
The irony being of course, these sons of stolen privilege are drawn from the very bloodlines that profited from those same dark satanic mills. And so the intention of Blake’s poem is purposefully corrupted by the lineal descendants of those who put our ancestors to work firing the furnaces of their pitiless industry. This is the reversal of intention. In short, it’s a fucking con-job.
Blake’s vision of the attainment of Jerusalem, was set to music a century later, and soon after it was relaunched as a patriotic hymn; an alternative national anthem: re-packaged, re-booted and re-branded. And once this nifty cultural enclosure act was complete, mythical Albion was relaunched as Albion plc.
It is the State’s compulsion to twist and diminish, to reverse and perverse anything true and anything pure, that partly explains the perversities committed against children that are only now coming to light. For these people associate Power, in its ‘purest’ form, with the corruption of any organic truth or purity. Eventually, the physical corruption of children becomes a natural extension of their self-serving perversity, perhaps even the ultimate prize.
Blake himself was enraged by the State’s wanton abuse of children; the child to him was a Holy Lamb; and he recognised that the church and state whose moral duty it was to protect these children were in fact the oppressors and exploiters of the holy lamb.
“Is this a holy thing to see,
In a rich and fruitful land,
Babes reduc’d to misery”
William Blake calls attention to society’s abuse of children in a number of different ways, showing how society corrupts and exploits the purity of their innocence and ‘divine imagination’.
Blake believed that every unspoilt child has within them an inherent incorruptibility, an incorruptibility that renders them superior to the adult. For adults, if not exploiters themselves, have, at the very least been successfully corrupted and propagandised by a heartless and self-serving establishment. At best they are blind:
“In every cry of every Man,
In every Infants cry of fear,
In every voice: in every ban,
The mind-forg’d manacles I hear”
Society ensures that from the earliest age our sovereignty – of which we are made woefully ignorant – is traded away; our divine imagination is shackled (by the mind-forged manacles); and our innocence defiled. The Holy Lambs among us are sacrificed for the pleasure of vengeful and sadistic would-be-gods.
This is nothing less than the defiling and desecration of Jerusalem itself, which for Blake was never a physical place, but always and forever, a state of mind: a mind free of imposed restraints and corrupted ideologies.
Jerusalem then is a return to the innocence of the Holy Lamb: a dreamscape of our own imaginings; in Blake’s own words:
‘Imagination is a glimpse of the divine’
So is mythical, mystical Jerusalem within our grasp now, in spite of the mass propaganda that we are bombarded with day in and day out?
Well maybe what we are seeing now is the mass throwing off of mind-forged manacles, as more and more sickening revelations of the perversities of the pitiless state are being unveiled on an almost daily basis.
Finally, it seems, the illusion is being exposed for the decaying sordid reality it is. People are waking up en masse. And maybe out of this awakening Blake’s Jerusalem beckons.
In reaction to the ongoing terrible revelations of institutionalised child abuse it seems we are finally standing up as one, determined to protect the purity of the lamb against these dark and previously all powerful forces. And in doing so we are reclaiming our own birth-rights. We are, perhaps, rebuilding a true promised land, albeit it upon the powdered bones of those would-be-gods, they who no longer hold dominion over our divine imaginations.