By Ade Fox
I’m getting a little tired of all this talk portraying the Tories as a clique of lofty elitists, bound together by a collective sense of entitlement, who arrogantly expect the “little people” to do as they’re told, while they get on with running the country in a way that ensures their chums get richer by making a buck out of a deadly virus.
Equally unfair is the furore surrounding these so called parties. Just because a few trestle tables, groaning under the weight of booze and bottles, and a few people laying face down in the flower beds, were seen in the Downing St garden, doesn’t necessarily mean that a party is taking place. And even if some No 10 staff had a quick drink together, surely we can’t begrudge these talented and hardworking hero’s and heroines a celebratory drink. Not only have they had to deal with Covid 24/7 (unlike the nurses and doctors who had the luxury of defined working hours and extra assistance, provided by medical staff drafted in from around the world) but also they’ve had to slave away processing the tsunami of global trade proposals, that were rightly predicted as a consequence of the superbly executed, smooth departure from the EU.
Some people even have the brass neck to suggest that Conservatives lack empathy towards a majority of those they govern and seem disinterested, if not disdainful, of initiating plans and policies to help anyone other than their fat cat cronies in the city. And of course they’re accused of lacking coherence in getting their message across. All this negativity towards the Tories is insulting and couldn’t be further from the truth.
We have a PM of impeccable integrity, who has just moved the ever alert, pulse taking man of the people, Mr Jacob Rees-mogg, to the new cabinet post of Minister for Brexit Possibilities, an inspired choice, certain to add impetus to the already outstandingly successful results gained from Brexit. And, if there’s a better communicator out there than the always erudite, sometimes Churchillian, Mrs Nadine Dorries, I’ve yet to meet them. Her linguistic flourishes
are a joy to behold, warning the pride at being fortunate enough to be a citizen of the greatest country in the world.
So please, stop doing Britain down, reflect upon the luck of having Liz Truss AND Rishi Sunak in the same cabinet. We are truly blessed and we should all be getting behind the Government and helping them along the road, towards the destination of a brighter future.
Remember the big picture.
Just like this one, pictures never lie.