General Election 2024 Labour Scotland SNP Tory Party Wales Willie Millers Moustache

Quantum Scotpol 2.0

By Willie Miller’s Moustache (@williemillersM1 on Twitter/X) Quietly and with little fanfare or recognition there has been a significant breakthrough in political physics. While in classical binary systems there are 2 states: ON/OFF or POSITIVE/NEGATIVE Quantum Computers compute using these two classical positions and the additional state of ON&OFF at the same time. Never tell […]

Culture Wars Democracy Elections Left Politics LGBTQIAP+ Scotland Scottish Greens Scottish Independence SNP Trans Rights Ungagged Writing Willie Millers Moustache Williw Millers Moustache

Jackie Baillie, 5 gallons of chicken gravy and a straw

Willie Miller’s Moustache (Twitter:  @williemillersm1) has a plan to bring the progressive indy movement together… Right you fucking idiots. Everyone who supports independence one straight line in front of me, GO! Turn to your right. Kick that moron up the arse. Turn to your left, boot that pillock too. Now repeat, but with hugs not […]

Corruption Democracy Human Rights Labour Middle East Palestine SNP Tory Party Ungagged Writing Williw Millers Moustache

Hoyle’s Hubris and the Hackery of the Britpol Old Firm…

Did you hear about the 3 wells? Well, well, well. I do apologise, that is objectively the worst joke in my otherwise exceptional collection, if not indeed the English speaking world. Thank you Granny Moustache, it was one of her two favourites. But it is apposite for objectively the worst and most pish boiling week […]

Bo Ferdinand Brexit Campaigns Fascism Spain Tory Party Ungagged Writing

Daniel Hannan – Corrida de Tories

by Bo Ferdinand One of Daniel Hannan’s first controversial appearances involved advocating the privatisation of the NHS on Fox News and begging Americans ‘not to follow us down the road of socialism’. Described as a true believer and ‘the man who brought you Brexit’, Hannan helped found both the ERG and Vote Leave, famously insisting […]