The news that an unknown virus which caused breathing and respiratory problems was spreading rapidly in Wuhan at the end of last year caused little alarm at first, and people could be forgiven for paying it no attention. The other news stories of January and February 2020 included the assassination of one of Iran’s leading generals by the US and the horrific Australian bush fires. In the UK, Labour had suffered its worst […]
Scotland: A Call for Solidarity: Community Support for the Tollcross Community Action Network Amidst the Covid-19 Outbreak
Luke Campbell Development Worker Introduction In late 2019 and early 2020 the coronavirus Covid-19 spread rapidly throughout the world, resulting in national lockdowns and extreme anxiety as supermarket stock became sparse and health services were pushed beyond capacity. Amidst the panic buying on the ground and failures to react appropriately at the U.K. Government […]
Citizens prove that Scotland is a Left Wing Nation
A look at the Citizens’ Assembly of Scotland provides us with the hope and the proof that Scotland desires change, and that we can and must come out of this crisis with a decisive move to the economic left. Over the past few weeks we have seen the very worst and the very best of […]
A Bus-Load of Hypocrisy
“If you voted Tory and stood on your doorway clapping them…! Sit the fuck down!” This state of crisis we are in has exposed an incredible conflict in our national identity and personal responsibility as citizens. Panic buying and hoarding reveals nothing but the utter base selfishness of those doing it, the ‘ as long […]
Virtual Covidity
At my last family gathering before social distancing was escalated, my nephew gave me an insight into the mind-blowing world (for a certain demographic!) of virtual reality. I screamed, while a dinosaur galloped towards me at speed, and experienced vertigo as I teetered at the edge of scaffolding, high above 5th Avenue NY. Such discomfort […]
Online ordering during isolation – Email from Debra T
Hello, Firstly, I would like to thank you for still being accessible while in these unprecedented times. I hope you and your kin stay well in this frightening climate. I have been following the Scottish governmental and national health service advice and staying home. I have multiple sclerosis as well as other health issues and […]
Covid 19 and Journalism #BuildBackBetter
Here in China, COVID-19 has changed the conversation about journalism. We need a similar shift in attitudes back in the UK. #BuildBackBetter In December, several hospitals in Wuhan began receiving patients with pneumonia of an unknown etiology. From Decemebr 27th to 30th it was becoming clear that a mystery virus was circulating in the city. […]
in the current stillness, I know it approaches; I can taste its salt on my lips, so I am plaiting a rope for us – three strands, love, courage, health; and with these, we can tether ourselves while we will get soaked and gasp for breath we will stand firm and we will find […]
Corona Life Status – Scott S Bevan
You know, I don’t mind the staying in part. I like ‘going out’ but I’m not the outdoorsy type anyway, (too many allergies). I love being home with my family and the fact that we, (my partner and I), are both at home all the time right now spending quality time together with our son […]
Covid-19 – The blogs, vlogs and articles
Add yours; Twitter @_ungagged , , send your piece to us and we’ll publish and circulate. We have many articles here, make sure you scroll all the way down. We will reformat it soon! The Scottish Black Sheep Another insightful article from Beinn Irbhinn. From Chernobyl to Covid-19 Beinn Irbhinn looks at the […]