Brexit Climate & Environment Democracy Education Elections Fascism Feminism George Collins Book Club Health Immigration Left Politics Liberal Democrats Media Northern Ireland Political Philosophy Politics of Music Racism Scotland Scottish Independence Westminster

Christmas Borders…

Available FREE  on iTunes and Podbean The UK Christmas Election is highlighting how awful the binary sloganeering of the right really is – and how much the power of the Billionaire owned press and media still is killing democracy. Let this be your antidote.   Help us continue to podcast, publish and campaign… a few quid keeps […]

Brexit Climate & Environment Education Equality & Inclusion Feminism Health Liberal Democrats Neoliberalism Westminster

Its Time to Go, Jo.

One of our team, Neil Scott, urges his East Dunbartonshire neighbours to drop Liberal Democrat Leader, Jo Swinson as their MP at the upcoming election. “As a teacher who works in one of Europe’s most deprived areas, helping hungry, poverty damaged children every day, I resent the fact that Jo Swinson, a woman from one […]

Crime Education Equality & Inclusion Health Human Rights NHS Scotland

Scottish Drug Deaths – An Analysis

This week it was announced that 1,187 drug-related deaths were registered in Scotland in 2018, the largest number ever recorded. This caused a shockwave to run through Scottish politics, though it wasn’t such a shock to those on the front line who knew the figures would be terrible. But seeing anecdotal evidence of a spiralling […]

Brexit Health Left Politics

Dancing Queen

  Theresa May danced on stage at the Tory conference, clearly relishing the opportunity to make a bit of a joke out of her recent Africa dance exhibition. If everyone else at the conservative conference is auditioning for the prime minister’s job, is she auditioning for the BBC’s Strictly? It’s nice to know that our […]

Climate & Environment Disability Rights Health International

One in Five challenge Starbucks

One in Five disability rights organisation in Scotland have written to Starbucks CEO, Kevin Johnson. International organisations representing over 500,000 disabled people have supported the letter. Ungagged are pleased to be included.  The campaigners have challenged Starbucks to invest in the research and development of a new straw that will satisfy environmentalists and disabled people. Jamie Szymkowiak […]