I had no fucking idea how stupid people I agreed with could be until I helped radicalise them. [Apology: Please bear with this rant. There is a proposal at the end.] Back to the rant. Post September 2014, people who had until that point been happy talking about Dirty Den, Lady Ga Ga, the Oasis […]
Indybag: Fuck the Corporations and Neil Oliver
Donald Rumsfeld has been trying to kill me for years, what with ensuring that after the Irish stopped bombing Britain, he and his Whitehouse gang introduced a new set of disgruntled bombers, and of course his lacing Diet Coke, vitamin tablets, toothpaste, cereal and chewing gum with his aspartame. Having said that, of course Rishi […]
I am IndyBag: Let me introduce myself
My friend, Philip Richard Knobinson (writes under the silly name of Prick) has invited me to write a weekly column for Ungagged as I live in and rarely leave Scotland? I’m of the left and know that Independence is the only direction the Tories and their press; New Labour and their tories are leading us […]