Venezuela: an update
Things are getting ugly between Brazil and Venezuela. The Bolivarian National Guard expanded their security on Saturday morning and all the access has being closed down, according to the Brazilian Army. In addition to the military post between Pacaraima and Santa Elena do Uairen, Venezuelan soldiers have been mobilised around large parts of the land border between the two countries to make it difficult for Venezuelans to travel to Brazil.
The Brazilian government says that they have over 200 tons of food and medicine that were sent over by the USA’s embassy, and that are reports of Venezuelans crossing the border illegally to get those things, at the same time there’s also reports of Guaidó’s supporters burning those things on the border to stage a more hostile situation as a way of justify a foreigner military intervention. The diplomatic relationship between the countries in South America had never been worse. Nicolás Maduro broke down the diplomatic relations with Colombia, and gave diplomatic team in Venezuela an ultimatum they will have 24 hours to leave the country. Two people were killed in a clash between Venezuelan army forces and a group of indigenous people in San Francisco de Yuruaní, Kumaracupay, about 80 kilometers from the Brazilian city of Pacaraima, on the border between Brazil and Venezuela.
The information is from the Venezuelan newspaper El Nacional. The local media are still talking about 22 injured, some of them being in serious condition, which can increase the number of fatal victims The Red Cross in Latin America already gave a statement warning that right wing elements are using their symbol to entering the country illegally. The mainstream media seems particularly concerned about create a panic about the situation in Venezuela and paint Nicolas Maduro as a monster that is refusing humanitarian aid, even though, according the The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHRC) they considers Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Syria, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, as countries that qualify for the category of “humanitarian crisis”, not Venezuela. Maduro was emphatic saying that if the EU and the United States are so concerned about the situation of his country that they should “release the billions of dollars in resources that belong to us”.
Once again Nicolas Maduro, gave a speech rejecting any form of American Interference in the country’s political situation. On his twitter account The United States Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo said: “The U.S. will take action against those who oppose the peaceful restoration of democracy in Venezuela. Now is the time to act in support of the needs of the desperate Venezuelan people. We stand in solidarity with those continuing their struggle for freedom.”
By Nathália Urban @FairyS