Neil Scott Ungagged Podcasts

Activists and Objectors, Resisters, Rebels, Ranters, and Rascals.


Available FREE on iTunes and Podbean

On this episode, introduced by Neil ScottDamanvir Kaur will be giving us an update on Bapu Surat Singh’s hunger strike and also updating us on the #FreeJaggi  campaign, Catriona Stevenson will be here to talk about missing historical documents and Teresa Durran will be talking about small acts of resistance,  and why they are important.

We’ll hear from Chuck Hamilton on neoliberalism, gun deaths, Iran and the price of eggs, Debra Torrance will be talking about her visit to Westminster, we’ll have a new year themed pod from our Red Raiph, and George Collins will be speaking about the hidden histories of rebellious music.

This is another poetical episode, featuring Here We Come A Wassailing by Em Dehaney, The New Year Therapy Spell by Steve McAuliffe and They Tried To Bury Us by Victoria Pearson, read by Laurence Bourne.


With music from Steve McAuliffe & Mighty Ur, Gallows CircusRobb Johnson, Rebekah Findlay & Joe Solo,  Just Joans,The Merry Jaynz, James King and the Lonewolves, The Exiles, Thee Faction, The Wakes and Here are the Young Men and the Argonauts 


Edited and produced by Neil Scott, Neil Anderson and Victoria Pearson. Main artwork by Red Raiph.

Get yourself Ungagged and let us know what you think of this episode in the comments, or on our twitter or Facebook.


Ungagged is a not for profit co-operative, and we rely on the generosity of our listeners. If you’d like to donate us the cost of a newspaper or a cup of coffee, you can do so through PayPal here.





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