Brexit Campaigns Democracy Elections Equality & Inclusion Left Politics Liberal Democrats Media Neoliberalism Privilege Scotland Scottish Independence

Say it Ain’t So Jo

This is a story of denial, delusion and illusion: All themes that ran through the 2019 General election campaign. Jo and The Libs The rise, or rather the inflation of Jo Swinson is not the only story in town, but the themes are strong in this one. I’d have been hard pushed to pick Jo […]

Brexit Campaigns Democracy Elections Left Politics Liberal Democrats Scotland Scottish Independence Westminster

Glasgow Councillor, Mhairi Hunter: Reflections on the Election.

Billy Connolly once said there is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing. Much as I adore Billy Connolly, I have to say he was wrong on that one. Even layered up to the max, December does not provide the optimal weather for electioneering. All the campaign photos of groups of canvassers […]

Brexit Climate & Environment Democracy Education Elections Fascism Feminism George Collins Book Club Health Immigration Left Politics Liberal Democrats Media Northern Ireland Political Philosophy Politics of Music Racism Scotland Scottish Independence Westminster

Christmas Borders…

Available FREE  on iTunes and Podbean The UK Christmas Election is highlighting how awful the binary sloganeering of the right really is – and how much the power of the Billionaire owned press and media still is killing democracy. Let this be your antidote.   Help us continue to podcast, publish and campaign… a few quid keeps […]

Brexit Climate & Environment Education Equality & Inclusion Feminism Health Liberal Democrats Neoliberalism Westminster

Its Time to Go, Jo.

One of our team, Neil Scott, urges his East Dunbartonshire neighbours to drop Liberal Democrat Leader, Jo Swinson as their MP at the upcoming election. “As a teacher who works in one of Europe’s most deprived areas, helping hungry, poverty damaged children every day, I resent the fact that Jo Swinson, a woman from one […]

Brexit Campaigns Climate & Environment Democracy Education Equality & Inclusion Fascism Human Rights International Left Politics Neoliberalism Political Philosophy Scotland Scottish Independence Social Media Ungagged Writing

Oprah, the KKK, the Left and Total and Utter Confusion…

OK…. I’m up for predictions. Predictions in the short term, and regarding the UK and Scotland first. One, more or all of the upcoming predictions may end up wrong, but regardless of that, there will be no revolution in the UK. Power will still remain with corporations and the land owning class who by way […]


Where are we with Brexit?

It is difficult to work out what the next steps will be in Parliament and what the Tories and the Labour party will propose in the inexorable countdown to Brexit. What we do know is what has happened up to this point. The Withdrawal Agreement negotiated between the UK and the EU has been voted […]

Neil Scott Ungagged Podcasts

All we Are Saying…

Available FREE on iTunes and Podbean     On this episode, introduced by Neil Scott,  we’ll have the late, great Ron Mackay talking utterly opposing war, Simone Charlesworth discussing fox hunting, Steve McAuliffe’s Spin Cycle, an election night broadcast, Em Dehaney performing Richard Wall’s poem Strong and Stable and Fuad Alakbarov will be speaking about […]