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On this episode of Ungagged, introduced by Neil Scott, Graham Campbell talks about the Rethinking Race conference in Glasgow, Victoria Pearson reminds us that hope is apathy’s twin sister if it isnt backed up with action, and George Collins talks about how children are citizens now, not citizens in waiting, and they deserve to have that recognised in the education system, as well as wider society.
At the request of his daughter Zoe, Derek Stewart Macpherson reads The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas, Paul Quigley of the FAC tells us why he cofounded the campaign against the Offensive Behaviour in Football Act, and Chuck Hamilton, will be talking Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, free thought (or not) in regards religion, and Marx. They are linked, we promise!
We will have an update on Jagtar Singh Johal, the Scottish man being detained in India from Damanvir Kaur, Debra Torrance* will give us her prediction of our situation come the day of Brexit, and Teresa Durran shares her poems Resurgum 1 and 2.
Catriona Stevenson, talks about the Glencoe Massacre, Thomas Morris asks if, when times are tough, it is better to leave “your” country, or stay and fight to make it better, and our Red Raiph talks about whit can go wrang when you give someone a job for life.
With music from: Andrea Heins, Argonaut, Gallo Rojo, Girobabies, Husky Tones, Joe Solo, Kes’ Conscience, Thunder on the Left, Babel fish Project, The Hurriers, The Kara Sea.
Edited, produced and sworn at by Neil Scott, Neil Anderson and Victoria Pearson
Get yourself Ungagged and let us know what you think of this episode in the comments, or on our twitter, Facebook or our new YouTube Channel.
* Debra references two video clips in her piece, a piece from RT on the Brexit transition, and an interview on Good Morning Britain.
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I used to take my 2 very small kids to parks every season we lived there. It was lovely, I still drive through. I’m certain you will be able to get new tenants.
Patricia Hanrahan
There are tips for magicians of each talent degree.