Democracy Elections Fascism General Election 2024 Industry Labour Left Politics LGBTQIAP+ Poverty Racial Justice Richie Venton Richie Venton Ungagged Scotland Scottish Socialist Party Tory Party Trade Unions Ungagged Podcasts Westminster

Richie Venton Ungagged! Episode 5

Richie Venton the SSP Trades Union Organiser, on the vacuum in British politics created by a Labour party being pulled rightwards by the economic disaster left by 14 years of toryism, and the distraction of the populist far right. Music: The Kara Sea Where to find Left Ungagged… Twitter (X) Instagram YouTube […]

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There ain’t no party like a Brexit Party, unless you’re a homosexual or an immigrant

The former Conservative Shadow Home Secretary and Brexit Party MEP Ann Widdecombe has caused a stooshie after appearing on Sky News on 2 June. Whilst being challenged about her views on ‘gay conversion’ therapy live on Sophy Ridge on Sunday, Widdecombe came out with “science may produce an answer at some stage” to homosexuality. Yes, […]

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Dare – It’s Better This Way!

Available FREE  on iTunes and Podbean After a break, Ungagged is back! Neil Scott rants like a red ham about Brexit, the empire and the climate protests, Debra Torrance and Laura Lundahl tell us to Dare, and Laura also tells us that it will be better!   Music from, Phat Bollard, Vokxen, Jackal Trades and Katie MF! Get […]