David and Connor discuss; – New Scottish Cabinet – Is Uk Labour undermining Scottish Labour? – Nefarious Tory plans for Scotland – English Water Contaminated by parasites! Music: James King and the Lone Wolves.
Tag: Scottish Labour
Jackie Baillie, 5 gallons of chicken gravy and a straw
Willie Miller’s Moustache (Twitter: @williemillersm1) has a plan to bring the progressive indy movement together… Right you fucking idiots. Everyone who supports independence one straight line in front of me, GO! Turn to your right. Kick that moron up the arse. Turn to your left, boot that pillock too. Now repeat, but with hugs not […]
Starmer’s “Progressive” Labour?
Do these Starmerite ‘progressives’ believe in democracy? If so, why are you opposing democracy in Scotland? Why are you endorsing your Leader’s will to collude with the Tories in curtailing Scottish self-determination? Why is it that Labour can’t get it right? It’s either some Stalinist psychopath dressed like a sexually repressed geography teacher or a […]
Has Labour gone full Tonto? by Chris McCusker
Now, more than ever socialists need to question their loyalties towards the Labour party under the stewardship of a knight of the realm. The treatment of Ken Loach & other ‘Lefties’ within the UK Labour party should have been predicted in the treatment doled out to Jeremy Corbyn. Whilst I had high hopes for Corbyn […]
Scotland’s Love for Labour, Lost?
On Labour’s travails A week, as they say, is a long time in politics and there must be many Scottish Labour members out there wishing the past week had never happened. It all started when John McDonnell made it clear that a UK Labour Government would not stand in the way of a second independence […]
Votes of No Confidence
As I flick from watching Liverpool handle a European competition in a far finer manner than Theresa May and the Tory Party to comments on social media, I am shocked, befuddled and amazed at the lack of any political insight by Members of Parliament of opposition parties. The call by the likes of Ian […]
Empire of Skulls
Available FREE on iTunes and Podbean The Ungagged Team talk America, Catalonia, The Tory Party Conference and Scottish Labour Leadership… With George Collins, Liz Castro, John Andrew Hird, Ruth Hopkins, Debra Torrance, Paul Sheridan, Chuck Hamilton, Victoria Pearson, Steve McAuliffe, Red Raiph, Em Dehaney, Simone Charlesworth and Derek Stewart Macpherson, along with artist Sahej Rahal. Featuring music […]